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… breathing during sleep This medication may rarely make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms of high blood sugar such as increased thirst/urination. If you … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood sugar, weight, blood pressure, blood
… This drug and similar medications may rarely cause serious blood problems (low numbers of platelets and red/white blood cells) or liver problems. Tell your doctor right away … heartbeat, slow/shallow breathing. Notes Lab and/or medical tests (such as liver function, complete blood counts) may be …
Health topics
… yellow. Some medicines, blackberries, beets, rhubarb, and blood in the urine can turn urine red-brown. Some foods … often than usual. Strong or bad-smelling urine. Dark or blood-streaked urine. But note that it's common for newborns … the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in …
… weight gain. Idarubicin may cause certain severe blood and bone marrow disorders (low red blood cells/white blood cells/platelets). This can affect … heartbeat, severe nausea/vomiting. Notes Lab and/or medical tests (such as kidney/liver/heart function, complete blood
… failure, cardiogenic shock) kidney disease liver disease blood vessel disease (such as thromboangiitis obliterans, Raynaud's phenomenon) blood circulation disorders (cerebral/coronary … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as eye exams, measuring intraocular pressure) …
… light (photophobia) slow/irregular heartbeat signs of low blood pressure (such as dizziness/fainting) mental/mood … heart problems (such as chest pain, heart failure) low blood pressure diabetes blood circulation problems … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as eye exams, heart rate) should be done while …
… Treating an irregular heartbeat can decrease the risk for blood clots, and this effect can reduce your risk of heart … have any serious side effects, including: symptoms of low blood sugar (such as shakiness with unusual … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as EKG) should be done while you are taking this …
… have serious side effects. This medication may raise your blood pressure. Check your blood pressure regularly and tell your doctor if the results … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as lung function, blood pressure, bone density …
… have serious side effects. This medication may raise your blood pressure. Check your blood pressure regularly and tell your doctor if the results … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as lung function, blood pressure, bone density …
… have serious side effects. This medication may raise your blood pressure. Check your blood pressure regularly and tell your doctor if the results … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as lung function, blood pressure, bone density …