3941 results found
Health topics
… diseases or ongoing (chronic) health problems like high blood pressure or diabetes, then your chances of having … the brain's weight, the size of its nerve network, and its blood flow decrease. But the brain adapts to these changes, … in males Most physical changes are the result of decreasing testosterone levels. These changes affect energy, strength, …
… of: eye disease (such as cataracts, glaucoma) high blood pressure liver disease thyroid problems diabetes stomach/intestinal problems (such as diverticulitis, ulcer) bone loss … of: eye disease (such as cataracts, glaucoma) high blood pressure liver disease thyroid problems diabetes …
… glaucoma) liver disease thyroid problems diabetes stomach/intestinal problems (such as diverticulitis, ulcer) bone loss … others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as cortisol levels, blood counts, height/weight measurements, bone density … others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as cortisol levels, blood counts, height/weight measurements, bone density …
… of: eye disease (such as cataracts, glaucoma) high blood pressure liver disease thyroid problems diabetes stomach/intestinal problems (such as diverticulitis, ulcer) bone loss … of: eye disease (such as cataracts, glaucoma) high blood pressure liver disease thyroid problems diabetes …
Health topics
… you, ask you questions about your symptoms, and do some tests. An MRI scan is often used to confirm the diagnosis, … of medicine prescribed. You visit your doctor regularly for blood tests and to check your progress. In people with … such as stomach ulcers, problems sleeping, and high blood pressure. Personal stories about treatment for …
Health topics
… will also look at the rest of your leg to make sure that blood is flowing, the leg works well, and there are no other injuries above or below the knee. You may have some tests, such as an X-ray , an MRI , or an ultrasound . How is … will also look at the rest of your leg to make sure that blood is flowing, the leg works well, and there are no other …
Health topics
… They'll also look at the rest of your leg to make sure that blood is flowing, the leg works well, and there are no other injuries above or below the knee. You may have some tests, such as an X-ray or an MRI . How is a PCL injury … They'll also look at the rest of your leg to make sure that blood is flowing, the leg works well, and there are no other …
Health topics
… Undescended Testicle On this page: Conditions Basics … and can't be felt in the groin, the doctor will do a blood hormone test to find out if the testicles are absent. … and can't be felt in the groin, the doctor will do a blood hormone test to find out if the testicles are absent. …
Health topics
… side when resting or at night to reduce pressure on major blood vessels Avoid wearing tight fitting clothes or … or midwife. Useful resources Second trimester exams and tests … During the second trimester - weeks 15 to 27 of …
Health topics
… A complete history and physical examination, routine lab tests, a chest X-ray , and an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) … sudden ischemia (when a clot develops and completely blocks blood supply to an extremity) are done as soon as possible. … sudden ischemia (when a clot develops and completely blocks blood supply to an extremity) are done as soon as possible. …