3941 results found
Health topics
… vein thrombosis (DVT)? A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein, usually in the legs. A … dangerous because it can break loose and travel through the bloodstream to the lungs. There it can block blood flow in the lungs (pulmonary embolism). This can be …
Health topics
… know how drinking alcohol can affect you? Do you have high blood pressure, nerve damage, or eye problems from your … medicine for diabetes, drinking alcohol may cause low blood sugar. This could cause dangerous low blood sugar levels. Too much alcohol can also affect your …
Health topics
… Hernias and aneurysms are bulging sections in a muscle or blood vessel. A nodule is usually a growth on a gland. A … need medical treatment. A bulging section in the wall of a blood vessel (aneurysm) may feel like a throbbing lump in … the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in …
Health topics
… (such as gloves, masks, and goggles) when dealing with blood or body fluids. The chances of becoming infected after … with an instrument that is contaminated with HIV-infected blood are about 1 out of 300. footnote 1 The chances of becoming infected if HIV-infected blood is splashed in the eye, nose, or mouth are about 1 out …
Health topics
… Some prescribed medicines can change your heart rate, blood pressure, and overall ability to exercise. It's … they affect exercise. Effect of medicines on heart rate, blood pressure, and exercise Medicine Affect heart rate (HR)? Affect blood pressure (BP)? Affect exercise capacity? …
Health topics
… with sickle cell disease suddenly stops producing red blood cells. This causes sudden and severe anemia . The … This is the virus that causes fifth disease in children. Blood transfusions might be done to treat an aplastic crisis. This means you receive healthy blood from another person. After a few days, the bone marrow …
Health topics
… small incisions. Surgery has risks, including infection, a blood clot in the leg, damage to nerves or blood vessels, and the risks of anesthesia. After surgery … a meniscus tear, and I'm going to have an arthroscopic test to see just how much I've damaged the knee. The surgeon …
Health topics
… enlarged breasts, and wide hips. In almost all men the testicles remain small. In some men the penis does not reach … until the time of puberty . At this point, the boy's testicles fail to grow, and you may start to notice other … about his past health, do a physical examination, and order tests, such as a hormone test and chromosome analysis. In …
HealthLinkBC files
… vaccine at a time. Yes No I know every batch of vaccine is tested for safety. Yes No I know vaccines are safe because … used in B.C. are approved by Health Canada. Are vaccines tested? Yes. Making a new vaccine that is effective and safe … your child takes many years. Vaccines must pass many safety tests before they are ever given to people. When a new …
Health topics
… ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor may do tests such as: An endoscopy . During this test, the doctor puts a thin, flexible tube down your throat to look at your esophagus. This test also lets the doctor get a sample of the cells to test …