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… heartbeat. Uses Nebivolol is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and … in your body, such as epinephrine, on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers heart rate, blood
Health topics
… The transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or they can come from another person. … also have some that circulate from your marrow into your blood. Bone marrow stem cells turn into red blood cells , … long as 3 years to go away. GVHD affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. It can cause death. GVHD is …
Health topics
… feeling in the hands is common because of decreased blood flow to the hands or damage to nerves of the hand . … or emotional stress. During an attack of Raynaud's, the blood vessels in the affected areas tighten, severely … the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in …
Health topics
… Information Overview A hemorrhagic stroke develops when a blood vessel (artery) in the brain leaks or bursts … strokes are not as common as strokes caused by a blood clot ( ischemic strokes ). How is a hemorrhagic stroke … in the brain, and stabilize vital signs, especially blood pressure. To stop the bleeding, you may be given …
Health topics
… For the body to function properly, the heart needs to pump blood at a sufficient rate to maintain an adequate and … Cardiac output is the term that describes the amount of blood your heart pumps each minute. Doctors think about … volume × heart rate Your stroke volume is the amount of blood your heart pumps each time it beats, and your heart …
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… the growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood from the legs, it becomes harder for blood to leave the legs. This can lead to pooled blood that causes one or more veins to swell. The extra …
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… medicines for them. The diagnosis can be confirmed with tests, including esophagus tests (such as esophageal manometry) or a barium swallow. … pressure. A barium swallow is done using X-rays. Other tests may be done to find out whether chest pain may be …
Health topics
… sees a problem or any skin changes, you may need more tests. Your urine, blood, or other fluids may be checked for infection. Or you … or any skin changes, you may need more tests. Your urine, blood, or other fluids may be checked for infection. Or you …
Health topics
… help you control other diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, that can make kidney disease worse. This … time as your disease changes. See your doctor for regular testing, and work with a dietitian to adjust your diet as … help you control other diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, that can make kidney disease worse. This …
Health topics
… when they bathe. Younger people who have no problems with blood flow can bathe more often if they want to. Older … for rinsing the soap off. Use the back of your hand to test the water to make sure it's not too hot. You don't have … when they bathe. Younger people who have no problems with blood flow can bathe more often if they want to. Older …