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3941 results found
… disease numbness/tingling of the hands/feet stomach/intestinal problems (such as inflammatory bowel disease) This … kidney function, liver/spleen measurements, complete blood count including platelets) should be done while you … kidney function, liver/spleen measurements, complete blood count including platelets) should be done while you …
… provincial poison control center. Notes Lab and/or medical tests (such as liver/kidney function, complete blood count) should be done while you are using this … medical tests (such as liver/kidney function, complete blood count) should be done while you are using this …
… provincial poison control center. Notes Lab and/or medical tests (such as liver/kidney function, potassium blood levels) should be done while you are using this … medical tests (such as liver/kidney function, potassium blood levels) should be done while you are using this …
… health needs. Uses Vancomycin is used to treat a certain intestinal condition (colitis) that may rarely happen after … medical tests (such as stool samples, kidney function, blood counts) should be done while you are taking this … medical tests (such as stool samples, kidney function, blood counts) should be done while you are taking this …
… fainting This medication decreases vitamin A levels in your blood. Ask your doctor about taking a vitamin A supplement. … provincial poison control center. Notes Lab and/or medical tests may be done while you are using this medication. Keep … fainting This medication decreases vitamin A levels in your blood. Ask your doctor about taking a vitamin A supplement. …
Health topics
… There is damage to the median nerve (shown by nerve test results and loss of hand or finger function) or a risk … problems from the surgery include injury to nerves, blood vessels, and tendons. There are also the risks of any … problems from the surgery include injury to nerves, blood vessels, and tendons. There are also the risks of any …
HealthLinkBC files
… combustion by-products? Carbon monoxide (CO): Reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. Acute exposure may cause … range of $25-$200. Like smoke detectors, they need regular testing to make sure they are working properly. You can …
Health topics
… The doctor may take a sample (biopsy) of the growth to test in a lab. A biopsy can confirm whether the cells are … cell skin cancer include: Any firm, pearly bump with tiny blood vessels that look spidery (telangiectasias). Any red, … cell skin cancer include: Any firm, pearly bump with tiny blood vessels that look spidery (telangiectasias). Any red, …
Health topics
… have problems controlling your bladder, your doctor may: Test a urine sample to see if you have an infection. Do tests to see how you urinate, which can help you and your … medicines, depending on the cause of your bladder problems. Test a urine sample to see if you have an infection (common …
Health topics
… of your vertigo is not clear, your doctor may do other tests. These may include a hearing test (audiometry), balance tests, or an MRI to rule out other problems. How is …