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Health topics
… medicine called verteporfin (Visudyne) is injected into the bloodstream. The medicine collects in the abnormal blood … After treatment, avoid direct sunlight for 2 to 5 days. And when you have to be outdoors, wear dark sunglasses to … about 3 months. Most people need multiple treatments to get the full benefits of the therapy. Risks A severe loss in …
… with heart disease (recent heart attack), recent stroke, or blood circulation disease (peripheral vascular disease). It … Clopidogrel works by blocking platelets from sticking together and prevents them from forming harmful clots. It is … During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. Discuss the risks and benefits with …
Medical tests
… is used to find problems such as tumours, bleeding, injury, blood vessel diseases, or infection. MRI also may be done to … infection. MRI may also be used to tell if a bone is broken when X-ray results are not clear. MRI is done more commonly … for several hours before the test. Tell your doctor if you get nervous in tight spaces. You may get a medicine to help
… it. To help you remember, mark the days on the calendar when you need to receive the medication. Side Effects … radiation therapy to the chest) heart disease high blood pressure previous severe reaction to monoclonal antibody …
Health topics
… it can also happen to other toes. An ingrown toenail can get infected. It may be painful, red, and swollen, and it may drain pus. Anyone can get an ingrown toenail, but adults get them more than … home to relieve the pain caused by your ingrown toenail and help the nail to grow out naturally: Soak your sore toe in …
… to cut, scraped, sunburned or eczema-affected skin. Avoid getting this medication in your eyes. If this medication … medication regularly to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, use it at the same time each day. Do not … fabric (such as clothing, bedding, and towels). Use caution when applying near the hairline, while dressing, and while …
Medical tests
… or with a digital mammogram. Cancer is most easily treated when it's discovered in an early stage. Mammograms don't … top plate is pressed against your breast with just enough pressure to keep the breast in position while the X-ray arm … is usually uncomfortable, but it helps the technician get the best images. Risks A mammogram may help find cancer …
Health topics
… In some cases, medicines can be given so you can get more medicine when you need it. This is called patient-controlled … Physiotherapy or light massage (not deep tissue or intense pressure) to promote relaxation. Before you try a …
Medical tests
… tests measure electrical activity that occurs in your eye when you look at something. Electrophysiology includes … tests that measure how well the retina works. It can help check for diseases of the retina. The tests may also … Follow your doctor's instructions about eating to avoid low blood sugar. Avoid caffeine within 12 hours of the test. …
Health topics
… body may not be able to turn your food into muscle tissue. When you lose weight, you lose muscle, fat, or both. … in medicines with your doctor, and make those decisions together. Drink high-calorie protein shakes between meals. Try … other athletes or coaches. In sports in which exposure to blood can occur, the risk of spreading HIV is very small. …