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3208 results found
Health topics
… sudden, heavy vaginal bleeding that is causing heavy blood loss or a low number of red blood cells (anemia). Get a tissue sample for testing. For … sudden, heavy vaginal bleeding that is causing heavy blood loss or a low number of red blood cells (anemia). Get …
Health topics
… and inactive makes it harder for the body to keep blood sugar levels normal. And he finally understood why … a difference When he went back to his doctor for another blood test, Jerry's blood sugar had dropped below the prediabetes range. He …
Health topics
… and attention. Diabetes can damage the nerve endings and blood vessels in your feet, making you less likely to notice … also limits your body's ability to fight infection and get blood to areas that need it. If you get a minor foot injury, … care for your feet? When you have diabetes, the nerves and blood vessels in your feet can get damaged. Your feet may …
Health topics
… surgical methods may fail. Form of glaucoma in which new blood vessels grow on the coloured part of the eye, or iris. … (malignant glaucoma). Inflammation in the eye. Bleeding or blood in the eye (hyphema). Softening of the eyeball due to … to clouding of the lens (cataract). Infection in the eye. Blood in the eye (hyphema). Eye muscle imbalance, resulting …
Health topics
… the following: Your doctor may want you to have regular blood tests to check your medicine levels, liver function, and blood counts. Do not stop taking these medicines suddenly. … to your pharmacist or doctor. Medicine Blood Level Test Current as of: October 20, 2022 …
Health topics
… Possible complications include: Infection. Bleeding or blood clots in the scrotum. Damage to the vas deferens and the blood supply to the testicle. Without enough blood supply, the testicle may shrink (atrophy). The …
Health topics
… cause problems. But in rare cases, the toxins enter the bloodstream and cause a severe immune reaction . This … include: Sudden fever. Signs of shock , including low blood pressure and rapid heartbeat; nausea; vomiting; or … are causing the infection. Tests you may need include: Blood tests. Tests on body fluids or tissues. A chest X-ray, …
Health topics
… following a special diet. You might notice improvements. Blood sugar tests will tell you whether your diet is helping to control your diabetes. Periodic blood tests can measure your cholesterol and triglyceride … levels. You or your health professional can measure your blood pressure to see whether dietary changes are improving …
Health topics
… of an enzyme needed for protein metabolism; helps make red blood cells. Meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits. Folate … enzyme needed for making DNA and new cells, especially red blood cells. Leafy green vegetables and legumes, seeds, … egg yolks; nuts and seeds. Vitamin K Needed for proper blood clotting. Leafy green vegetables (kale, collard …
Health topics
… For example, my doctor says I don't need to check my blood sugar all the time. But I am careful to have my snacks and meals so I don't get low blood sugar and fall down when I stand up. The last thing I … "My vision is nearly gone. It's from years of having high blood sugars. When my sight got really bad, I didn't want to …