3208 results found
… cause very serious (possibly fatal) side effects, including blood clots, heart attack, stroke, or heart failure. It is … since your doctor will need to carefully check your red blood cell count and hemoglobin level. The lowest effective … be used in anemic patients to reduce the need for blood transfusions before certain planned surgeries that have a …
… needs. Warning This medication may cause certain severe blood and bone marrow problems (low red blood cells/white blood cells/platelets, hemolytic anemia). … you are taking this medication. Before receiving any blood transfusions, tell your doctor that you are taking/have …
… This medication may cause very serious (rarely fatal) blood disorders (low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets). … drugs, and herbal products). Before receiving a blood transfusion, tell your doctor that you are using this …
HealthLinkBC files
… Very high bilirubin levels at birth that need an exchange transfusion Receiving certain medications in the newborn …
… vaccine for at least 5 months if you have received a blood transfusion or other blood products (such as immune globulin, varicella zoster …
… fever/illness (such as untreated tuberculosis) bleeding/blood clotting problems (such as hemophilia, low platelets) … chemotherapy, corticosteroids such as prednisone) recent blood transfusion or use of blood products (such as …
Health topics
… You may also have a pelvic examination , a urine test, blood tests, and possibly an ultrasound. Your doctor may … your cervix or vagina. A Pap or HPV test. A urine test. A blood test. An ultrasound. A biopsy . For this test, your … as a dilation and curettage (D&C) . When needed, a blood transfusion may be used to quickly restore blood volume. …
… specific health needs. Warning Zidovudine has caused severe blood problems including a decrease in red blood cells (anemia) and white blood cells (neutropenia). … HIV disease (AIDS). Blood problems may require blood transfusions or stopping your medication. Your doctor will …
Health topics
… C virus. It is spread by contact with an infected person's blood. The most common way to get hepatitis C is by sharing … have hepatitis C, he or she will talk to you about having a blood test. If the test shows hepatitis C antibodies , then … happens to health care workers. Having had a blood transfusion or organ transplant before 1992. (Since 1992, …
… marrow function, an effect that may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. … crises caused by the disease and to reduce the need for blood transfusions. Some brands are also used to treat certain …