3208 results found
… come with obesity, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a shorter life. Naltrexone belongs to a … symptoms of withdrawal from opiates, and high blood pressure. Do not increase your dose, take it more … or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: high blood pressure heart disease (such as congestive heart …
… This drug may rarely cause an attack of extremely high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), which may be fatal. … bipolar disorder) personal/family history of high blood pressure liver disease overactive thyroid … safe use of those products. To prevent a very serious high blood pressure reaction, it is very important that you …
Health topics
… do a number of tests. These tests may include colonoscopy, blood tests, and stool sample testing. Testing can help rule … out, or a rapid heart rate. Stools that are almost always bloody. Severe dehydration , such as passing little or no … may take a sample (biopsy) of the lining of the colon. Blood tests to check for infection or inflammation. Stool …
Health topics
… piercing site may be slightly swollen. A small amount of blood or fluid may drain from the site. Common problems that … genital warts, and result in erection problems. Damage to blood vessels or nerves under the skin. Scarring of the … diseases, such as hepatitis B , hepatitis C , or tetanus . Blood infections (sepsis) can occur if a sterile technique …
Health topics
… your first treatment, those cells can spread through the blood or lymph system and grow. What are the symptoms? The … a biopsy to check a sample of tissue. You may also have blood tests and imaging tests, such as a mammogram, an … (metastasize). The cancer cells may travel through the bloodstream or the lymph system . A woman may have …
Health topics
… conditions. How does it work? The tests are done with blood or saliva. Or they may be done as a cheek swab. Your … conditions. How does it work? The tests are done with blood or saliva. Or they may be done as a cheek swab. Your …
Health topics
… other athletes or coaches. In sports in which exposure to blood can occur, the risk of spreading HIV is very small. … other athletes or coaches. In sports in which exposure to blood can occur, the risk of spreading HIV is very small. …
Health topics
… a natural health product. Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Complementary Medicine … a natural health product. Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Complementary Medicine …
Health topics
… Information Overview Compression stockings can improve blood flow and help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins . … our content . … Overview Compression stockings can improve blood flow and help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins . …
Medical tests
… Overview Antibody tests are a set of blood tests that check for specific antibodies to help … our content . … Overview Antibody tests are a set of blood tests that check for specific antibodies to help …