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3208 results found
Health topics
… have them. Your doctor will ask about your family history. Blood and urine tests, such as a test of your thyroid, may … isn't causing your symptoms. A toxicology screen looks at blood, urine, or hair for the presence of drugs. The earlier … taking medicines for bipolar disorder. You may need regular blood tests to watch the amount of medicine in your blood. …
Health topics
… the higher the risk. Stroke or conditions that affect the blood vessels (vascular system) in the brain. Brain tumour. … of pregnancy). A person with diabetes has a seizure. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or very high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) can cause seizures in a person …
Health topics
… symptoms and examining you. You may also have X-rays and blood tests. Blood tests can help make sure another disease isn't causing … Other tests, such as a joint-fluid analysis and urine or blood tests, may be used to see if there are other causes …
Health topics
… might be used to prevent the heart from beating too fast. Blood-thinning medicines might be used to help prevent a … might be used to prevent the heart from beating too fast. Blood-thinning medicines might be used to help prevent a …
Health topics
… A small, unbroken blister about the size of a pea, even a blood blister, will usually heal on its own. Use a loose … A small, unbroken blister about the size of a pea, even a blood blister, will usually heal on its own. Use a loose …
Health topics
… behavior and increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and all-cause mortality. Canadian guidelines …
Health topics
… goes away without treatment after 1 to 2 months. White blood cells (lymphocytes) that look abnormal may result from … goes away without treatment after 1 to 2 months. White blood cells (lymphocytes) that look abnormal may result from …
Health topics
… series or an abdominal ultrasound . Your baby also may need blood tests to see if he or she is dehydrated. How is … series or an abdominal ultrasound . Your baby also may need blood tests to see if he or she is dehydrated. How is …
Health topics
… from the anus (fecal incontinence). Leaking of mucus or blood from the anus (wet anus). Other symptoms may include: … from the anus (fecal incontinence). Leaking of mucus or blood from the anus (wet anus). Other symptoms may include: …
Health topics
… Damage to the cervix during the procedure. Excessive blood loss. Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (pPROM). … Damage to the cervix during the procedure. Excessive blood loss. Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (pPROM). …