3208 results found
Medical tests
… vitamin B12 test measures the amount of vitamin B12 in the blood. The body needs this B vitamin to make blood cells and to maintain a healthy nervous system . … the test. How It Is Done Your health professional drawing blood will: Wrap an elastic band around your upper arm to …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A breath alcohol test is an estimate of your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The test measures the … directions, it can provide an accurate estimate of your blood alcohol level. There are different types of devices … drunk drivers. Within minutes after you drink alcohol, your blood alcohol concentration starts to rise. Unlike food, …
Health topics
… . A sickle cell crisis occurs when sickle-shaped red blood cells clump together and block small blood vessels that carry blood to certain organs, muscles, and bones. This causes …
Medical tests
… for several reasons. It may be used to look for a blocked blood vessel. It may be used to find the cause of pain in … No signs of disease, inflammation, or infection are seen. Blood vessels and blood flow are normal. No blood clots are seen. Abnormal: …
… right away. Uses This medication is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and … angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. …
… right away. Uses This medication is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and … angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. …
… is used alone or with other medications to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks and … natural substances (such as epinephrine) on the heart and blood vessels. This results in a lowering of the heart rate, …
Health topics
… when you do not have enough thyroid hormones in your blood (hypothyroidism). Depending on the cause of your … complications from having too little thyroid hormone in the blood, including a high level of fats and cholesterol in the blood. People who take thyroid hormones need to have their …
Health topics
… are spread when an uninfected person comes in contact with blood, semen, or vaginal fluid (such as menstrual blood) that's infected with one of these viruses. Hepatitis … D only occurs along with hepatitis B. How is it diagnosed? Blood tests are used to diagnose viral hepatitis. In their …
Health topics
… products you take. Your cholesterol, thyroid, eyes, and blood pressure, to see if you need treatment changes. Possible blood sugar problems during pregnancy. For example, many women have low blood sugar in early pregnancy. Later in pregnancy, they …