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3208 results found
Health topics
… including paralysis and damage to the arteries that supply blood to the spinal cord. Other possible side effects include severely low blood pressure (hypotension), accidental injection of the … are not recommended if you have a disease that affects blood clotting, take a medicine (called a blood thinner) …
Medical tests
… you may have celiac disease, he or she will order a simple blood test that looks for these antibodies. Why It Is Done A … It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all from the …
Health topics
… the body hold on to the salt it needs, and it keeps your blood pressure steady. Normally, the level of these hormones … may occur that can lead to death because of a steep drop in blood pressure. What causes it? Addison's disease can occur: … Bleeding into the adrenal glands as a side effect of using blood thinners. Some types of surgery or radiation …
Health topics
… disease? A carotid artery on each side of the neck supplies blood to the brain. Carotid artery disease occurs when a … both arteries. The buildup may narrow the artery and limit blood flow to the brain. If this plaque breaks open, it may form a blood clot. Or pieces of the plaque may break off. A piece …
… Warning Smoking raises your risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood pressure from hormonal birth control (such as the … control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, and decrease your risk of …
Health topics
… (anterior epistaxis) and involve only one nostril. Some blood may drain down the back of the nose into the throat. … nasal septum . Colds, allergies, or sinus infections. High blood pressure. Kidney disease. Liver disease. Blood clotting disorders. These include hemophilia , …
… lymphoma (CTCL), a type of cancer that affects the skin and blood and sometimes the lymph nodes and other organs. CTCL is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal white blood cells in the skin. This drug is used in a procedure called photopheresis. Some of your blood is removed from your body through a vein and goes into …
… as depression) This medication may rarely cause changes in blood sugar, especially if you have diabetes. Symptoms of high blood sugar include increased thirst and urination. Symptoms of low blood sugar include nervousness, shakiness, sweating, fast …
Health topics
… valve stenosis, the valve between your heart and the large blood vessel that carries blood to the body (aorta) is narrow. That forces the heart to pump harder to get enough blood through the valve. The procedure to widen the valve is …
Medical tests
… Risks Results Test Overview A rubella blood test detects antibodies that are made by the immune … help kill the rubella virus. These antibodies remain in the bloodstream for years. The presence of certain antibodies … methods can be used to detect rubella antibodies in the blood. The most commonly used method is the enzyme-linked …