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4153 results found
… This medication has rarely caused a very serious lack of blood flow to the hands and feet (peripheral ischemia) or to … is an ergot medication that helps narrow widened blood vessels in the head, thereby reducing the throbbing … your medical history, especially of: blood circulation disease (such as peripheral arterial disease, Raynaud's …
Health topics
… your body. Cortisol is especially important in controlling blood pressure and metabolism . But it affects almost every … and can lead to serious problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, and osteoporosis. Another name … act like cortisol in your body. They are used to treat many diseases, including lupus, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis. …
Medical tests
… in a joint. Doctors can also do it to keep track of a disease or to see how well a treatment is working. … tests may include X-rays , ultrasound, CT scan , MRI , or blood tests. Do surgery to repair a joint problem. It may be … stay in a hospital. You may have more tests, such as blood tests or urine tests, before your procedure. Be sure …
… health needs. Warning Raloxifene may rarely cause serious blood clots, especially in the legs or lungs. Women who have or had blood clots (including in the legs, lungs, or eyes) should … in your legs/lungs/eyes, a stroke, mini-stroke (TIA), heart disease, heart attack, high cholesterol, irregular heartbeat …
… heartbeat. Uses Acebutolol is used to treat high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and … memory problems) vision changes symptoms of liver disease (such as nausea that doesn't stop, dark urine, …
Health topics
… What is homocystinuria? Homocystinuria is a rare inherited disease that causes a deficiency of one of several enzymes … deficiency may cause a buildup of homocysteine in the blood. Excess homocysteine may be released in the urine. … with homocystinuria may develop diseases of the heart and blood vessels at a young age. If homocystinuria is not …
… can rarely cause very serious side effects such as heart disease (such as heart attacks), stroke, serious blood clots (such as in the lungs and legs), dementia, and … rarely cause very serious (possibly fatal) problems from blood clots (such as heart attack, stroke, blood clots in …
… can rarely cause very serious side effects such as heart disease (for example, heart attacks), stroke, serious blood clots (possibly in the lungs and legs), dementia, and … rarely cause very serious (possibly fatal) problems from blood clots (such as heart attack, stroke, blood clots in …
Health topics
… South Asian descent. You have prediabetes . This means your blood sugar is above normal but is not high enough to be diabetes. You have high blood pressure . You have high cholesterol or other fats in … (especially around your middle). You have vascular disease, such as heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, or …
Medical tests
… for several reasons. It may be used to look for a blocked blood vessel. It may be used to find the cause of pain in … tumours, fluid, or other problems are seen. No signs of disease, inflammation, or infection are seen. Blood vessels and blood flow are normal. No blood clots are …