4153 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… What is hepatitis B virus infection? Hepatitis B is a disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). … B virus spread? HBV is spread through contact with the blood and other body fluids of someone with HBV infection. Blood, semen and vaginal fluid contain the highest amounts …
… is not a cure. Cyproterone is used to control flare-up of disease symptoms or hot flashes caused by other treatments. … eyes/skin, dark urine) This medication may rarely cause blood clots. Get medical help right away if any of these … to the touch new/worsening shortness of breath coughing up blood sudden vision changes confusion trouble speaking …
Health topics
… . It is a procedure that widens the mitral valve so that blood flows more easily through the heart. It's also called … sleep. You won't feel pain when the catheter is put in the blood vessel. A doctor uses a thin flexible tube (catheter) … for the management of patients with valvular heart disease. Circulation , published online December 17, 2020. …
… your doctor. Estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease or dementia. Estrogens can increase the risk of … cancer of the breast/ovaries, stroke, dementia, and serious blood clots. When used along with a progestin, estrogens … It is absorbed through the skin and enters into the bloodstream. It is used by women to help reduce a certain …
HealthLinkBC files
… large amounts of antibodies taken from donated human blood. Antibodies are proteins that a person’s immune system … after being immunized. RabIg is prepared from donated human blood that is tested for safety. All blood donors are … and removing viruses and bacteria that can cause disease. The final preparation of RabIg undergoes more …
… doctor right away. Uses Perindopril is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and … heart attacks in people with a certain type of heart disease (stable coronary artery disease). Perindopril …
Health topics
… on whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. A1c blood test. This test shows the average level of blood sugar over the past 2 to 3 months. It helps your … Dental examination and cleaning. The dentist checks for gum disease and tooth decay. People with high blood sugar are …
Health topics
… may be done to control bleeding and destroy any abnormal cells that remain. Curettage is a quick treatment, but there … out whether actinic keratosis will progress to squamous cell carcinoma or how fast this might occur. People who have … immune system have a higher risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma. How can you prevent actinic keratosis? You …
… used to treat a certain type of breast cancer. The cancer cells make more than the usual amount of a certain substance … problems (such as heart failure, irregular heartbeat) high blood pressure lung problems previous cancer treatments … medical tests (such as heart exams, HER2 testing, complete blood count, blood pressure) should be done before you start …
Health topics
… Information Overview Most people who develop Alzheimer's disease do not have a history of the disease in their … lifestyle choices, or a combination of these things. A blood test can look for a substance that seems to increase a … lifestyle choices, or a combination of these things. A blood test can look for a substance that seems to increase a …