4152 results found
Health topics
… emotions, learning, and memory. They change how the cells in the brain send and process information. These … harm the brain. They can also damage the liver, kidneys, blood, or bone marrow. Club drugs , like ecstasy (MDMA) and … which can cause anxiety, abnormal heartbeats, high blood pressure, dehydration, and other serious problems. …
Medical tests
… to measure the amount of this hormone in a pregnant woman's blood to see if the baby may have Down syndrome . Inhibin A … placenta during pregnancy. The level of inhibin A in the blood is used in a maternal serum quadruple screening test. … checks the levels of four substances in a pregnant woman's blood. The quad screen checks alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human …
Medical tests
… You get an injection of a radioactive tracer into your blood. Then your doctor uses a special camera to see how well your heart is pumping blood. Invasive procedure. This test is done as part of a … of your heart muscle as your ventricles fill and pump blood. The size of your ventricles. How efficiently your …
Health topics
… Information Overview Travel can make it hard to keep your blood sugar within your target range because of changes in … extra diabetes medicine, insulin and supplies, high and low blood sugar treatments (including glucagon, if you have it), blood sugar meter batteries, test strips, and lancets. You …
Health topics
… bleeding from enlarged veins (varices). They make small blood vessels constrict, which reduces blood flow to veins that carry blood to the liver (portal veins). These medicines also may …
Health topics
… Overview Carbohydrate counting can help you control your blood sugar. It helps you know the amount of sugar and … eat. This is important because carbohydrates affect your blood sugar more than fats or proteins do. Learning how to … carbohydrates throughout the day can help you prevent high blood sugar. Testing your blood sugar after meals can help …
Health topics
… hypertension is high pressure in the veins that filter blood from the intestines through the liver (portal system … veins in the esophagus, stomach, and rectum enlarge to help blood flow through the liver. As the pressure in the portal … a rubber ring around the enlarged vein. This will cut off blood flow through the vein. Sclerotherapy. A doctor injects …
Health topics
… your meal plan to meet your nutritional needs, your target blood sugar range, and your weight goals. Be prepared for … change when and how you eat. So you might need to test your blood sugar more often and adjust your diabetes medicines. … plan for these changes. Eat healthy snacks to prevent low blood sugar. Your body is using energy to make breast milk, …
Medical tests
… (BNP) test measures the amount of the BNP hormone in your blood. BNP is made by your heart and shows how well your … Normally, only a low amount of BNP is found in your blood. But if your heart has to work harder than usual over … heart failure , the heart releases more BNP, increasing the blood level of BNP. Why It Is Done The BNP test is used to: …
Health topics
… a way of eating that helped her lose weight and brought her blood pressure way down. "If there were a commercial for the … Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Hypertension is high blood pressure. "I didn't have any blood pressure problems until after I'd been quite …