4152 results found
Medical tests
… problem. Most erection problems are caused by a mix of blood vessel, nerve, or psychological issues. To find the … . During this examination, the doctor will: Check your blood pressure. Check your penis and testicles for any problems. Order blood tests to check hormone levels. Other tests that may be …
Health topics
… Proper Lifting Severity of Back Injuries Degenerative disc diseases Acute Flaccid Myelitis Brace (Orthotic) Treatment … for Scoliosis Cervical Spinal Stenosis Degenerative Disc Disease Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: … Disorders: Having Good Body Mechanics Juvenile joint diseases Spina Bifida Spondyloarthropathies … Joints and …
Health topics
… problems such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). Airway abnormalities. Obesity. Diabetes. Sleep apnea. Neuromuscular disease, such as muscular dystrophy. Liver disease. Anesthesia Navigating Your …
Medical tests
… measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen in the blood. PSA is released into the blood by the prostate , which is part of the male … system. Healthy people have low amounts of PSA in the blood. The amount of PSA in the blood normally increases as …
Health topics
… Thrombolytics are medicines that rapidly dissolve a blood clot. They are used when a blood clot causes an emergency, such as a heart attack or stroke. These clot-busting medicines help blood to flow normally again. Thrombolytics are used as soon …
Health topics
… different types of problems. These include problems with blood flow through the heart and how well the heart pumps blood. If pieces of a tumour break off, they can be carried in the blood to the body and cause problems, such as a stroke. How …
Health topics
… to join two veins in a damaged liver. One vein carries blood to the liver (portal vein). The other vein goes from … vein). TIPS forms a channel that allows some of the blood to bypass the liver. What To Expect You may go home … you go home. Why It Is Done TIPS is used to reduce high blood pressure in the portal vein that carries blood from …
Health topics
… and sports-related injuries. Learn more Degenerative Disc Disease What Increases Your Risk You may not always be able … discs from absorbing all the nutrients they need from the blood. This can make an injured disc more likely. Being … You have back pain along with pain during urination or blood in the urine. You have back pain that is worse when …
Health topics
… Drug Use Signs of Substance Use Smoking and Coronary Artery Disease Smoking Fewer Cigarettes Smoking to Relieve Tension … Smoking Open/close information section Medical Tests Blood Alcohol Test Self-Test for Breath Alcohol Toxicology … Smoking Open/close information section Medical Tests Blood Alcohol Test Self-Test for Breath Alcohol Toxicology …
… your medical history, especially of: heart problems liver disease a certain blood disorder (methemoglobinemia) breathing problems (such … especially of: heart problems liver disease a certain blood disorder (methemoglobinemia) breathing problems (such …