4153 results found
Health topics
… from bedrest? The biggest risk for women on bedrest is blood clots ( deep vein thrombosis ) in your leg or lungs. … baby. This is because lying flat on your back can prevent blood from getting to your uterus and baby. For this reason, … from bedrest? The biggest risk for women on bedrest is blood clots ( deep vein thrombosis ) in your leg or lungs. …
Health topics
… Does not decrease after a few days. Becomes bright red with blood or contains pus. The incisions may be protected with … loose stitches, or your incision comes open. Bright red blood soaks through the bandage over your incision. You have … Does not decrease after a few days. Becomes bright red with blood or contains pus. The incisions may be protected with …
Health topics
… toe. Risks of anesthesia , such as a change in your blood pressure . Your specific risks depend on the type of … and your response to the medicines used. Problems with blood flow in the toes, which may result in losing some or … toe. Risks of anesthesia , such as a change in your blood pressure . Your specific risks depend on the type of …
Health topics
… wound so if the area swells, the jewellery will not affect blood flow. Apply steady, direct pressure for a full 15 … after a few minutes to see whether bleeding has stopped. If blood soaks through the cloth, apply another one without … wound so if the area swells, the jewellery will not affect blood flow. Apply steady, direct pressure for a full 15 …
Health topics
… VRE, he or she will send a sample of your infected wound, blood, urine, or stool to a lab. The lab will grow the … Part of your treatment may include sending samples of your blood, urine, or stool to a lab to see if you still have VRE … VRE, he or she will send a sample of your infected wound, blood, urine, or stool to a lab. The lab will grow the …
Health topics
… A problem with the mother's health, such as diabetes , high blood pressure , or a blood-clotting problem. A problem with the placenta , such … A problem with the mother's health, such as diabetes , high blood pressure , or a blood-clotting problem. A problem with …
… problems (such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, sleep apnea) a certain muscle disorder … (such as overuse of or addiction to drugs/alcohol) kidney disease liver disease stroke an unusual reaction to drugs that cause …
… as wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by ongoing lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, which includes chronic bronchitis and … eye problems (such as cataracts, glaucoma) liver disease If you have switched from a corticosteroid taken by …
Health topics
… be able to free your digit or limb using home treatment. Blood flow can be reduced or cut off if your digit or limb … be able to free your digit or limb using home treatment. Blood flow can be reduced or cut off if your digit or limb …
Health topics
… and hormone therapy. Medicines that expand (dilate) the blood vessels (vasodilators), such as nifedipine, and … and hormone therapy. Medicines that expand (dilate) the blood vessels (vasodilators), such as nifedipine, and …