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… health needs. Uses Romidepsin is used to treat a certain type of cancer (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma). Romidepsin works … marrow function, an effect that may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. … may harm an unborn baby. Your doctor may order a pregnancy test within 7 days before starting treatment with this …
Health topics
… Overview People with diabetes sometimes get very low blood sugar. If they are unconscious, they need glucagon right away. Glucagon is a hormone that raises blood sugar quickly. It can be given as a shot or as a … Dealing With Low Blood Sugar From Insulin or Medicine Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes in Children …
… weight gain. Epirubicin may cause certain severe blood and bone marrow disorders (low or abnormal red blood … Very rarely, people with cancer who are treated with this type of medication have developed other cancers (such as … harm an unborn baby. Your doctor should order a pregnancy test before you start this medication. Women using this …
… health needs. Uses This medication is used to treat certain types of brain cancer. Temozolomide belongs to a class of … marrow function, an effect that may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. … harm an unborn baby. Your doctor should order a pregnancy test before you start this medication. Women using this …
Testosterone Undecanoate - Oral On this page: Uses How To … health needs. Warning This medication can raise your blood pressure. High blood pressure can increase your risk of serious (even …
… stopping this medication. Your doctor will monitor liver tests for several months after you stop tenofovir. Tell your … toothbrushes, and razors) that may have contacted blood or other body fluids. Consult your doctor or … for more details. Tenofovir is also used to treat a certain type of liver infection called chronic hepatitis B …
… care professional. This drug may also be used for certain types of nerve pain (such as trigeminal neuralgia). How To … Asian descent) are at greater risk. Your doctor may order a blood test to measure your risk before you start this medication. …
… Warning People taking capecitabine along with certain "blood thinners" (anticoagulants such as warfarin) may have a … capecitabine. If you are using an anticoagulant, blood lab tests (INR/PT) will be closely checked. Tell your doctor … stools). Uses Capecitabine is used to treat certain types of cancer (such as breast, colon, rectal, stomach, …
… numb/tingling skin. Uses This product is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), heart failure, or extra fluid in the body (edema). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and … This medication may interfere with certain laboratory tests (including glucose tolerance testing, parathyroid …
Health topics
… can they cause? A myxoma tumour can cause different types of problems. These include problems with blood flow through the heart and how well the heart pumps blood. If pieces of a tumour break off, they can be carried …