4575 results found
… as confusion) This medication may rarely cause a severe intestinal condition due to a bacteria called C. difficile. … that doesn't stop abdominal or stomach pain/cramping blood/mucus in your stool If you have these symptoms, do not … certain diabetic urine testing products (cupric sulfate-type). This drug may also affect the results of certain lab …
… cancer). This medication is also used to treat certain types of tumor (solid tumors). It works by changing the … side effects, including: new/worsening cough diarrhea with blood/mucus severe stomach/abdominal pain mouth/throat sores … harm an unborn baby. Your doctor should order a pregnancy test before you start this medication. Ask about reliable …
… increase your risk. Your doctor will check your thiamine blood levels before starting this medication and regularly … movements). Uses This medication is used to treat a certain type of cancer (myelofibrosis). Fedratinib belongs to a … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as thiamine blood levels, complete blood count, …
Health topics
… or dissolve. The contents of those cells leak into the blood. When it's in the blood, that material can travel to various parts of the body … The diagnosis is confirmed with blood and urine tests. How can you prevent it? You can take steps to help …
… cancer of the breast/ovaries, stroke, dementia, and serious blood clots. When used along with a progestin, estrogens … should be used at the lowest effective dose and for the shortest amount of time. Discuss the use of this medication with … This medication may rarely cause serious problems from blood clots (such as heart attacks, strokes, deep vein …
Health topics
… What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Living With Asthma … dander, dust mites, cockroaches, or pollen. Taking certain types of allergy medicines may help your child. Exercise. … hormones , such as during the start of a girl's menstrual blood flow at puberty. Medicines, such as non-steroidal …
Health topics
… Symptoms What Happens When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Related … tired for up to a day after your migraine ends. Learn more Types of Migraine Headaches What Happens Migraines sometimes … be hard to diagnose. Their symptoms are like those of other types of headaches. For example, many people have been …
… at high dosages) has rarely caused severe (sometimes fatal) blood/bone marrow problems (decreasing your body's ability to fight infections) and stomach/intestinal disease (such as bleeding) when used at the same … your doctor. Uses Methotrexate is used to treat certain types of cancer (such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia, …
Health topics
… failure means that your heart muscle doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. Because your heart can't pump … pump as well as it should. So your body doesn't get enough blood and oxygen. When this occurs, the body believes that … you will start to have symptoms. There are two major types. Congestive symptoms are caused by the backup of blood …
… a certain natural chemical (serotonin) that constricts blood vessels in the brain. It may also block other pain … (for example, in your legs, arms/hands, or stomach) certain types of headaches (hemiplegic or basilar migraine) heart … Consult your doctor for more details. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood pressure) may be done while you are …