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… function, which may lead to low numbers of red and white blood cells. A low number of red blood cells can lead to anemia. A low number of white blood … stopping this medication. Your doctor will monitor liver tests for several months after you stop lamivudine. Tell …
Health topics
… C. botulinum spores. The spores multiply in the infant's intestine and produce toxins. What are the symptoms? The … be sure of the diagnosis is by checking for botulism in the blood or stool. The test results take several days to … be sure of the diagnosis is by checking for botulism in the blood or stool. The test results take several days to …
… doctor right away. Uses Eprosartan is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and … changes that might benefit you. Lab and/or medical tests (such as kidney function, potassium blood level) …
Health topics
… men with serious health problems. TUIP involves less blood loss and can be done more quickly than TURP. Want to … the same for TUIP as for TURP. Studies comparing the two types of surgery suggest that the outcomes are similar. Men … in fewer than 1 out of 100 men. footnote 1 The need for a blood transfusion during surgery is rare. For about 10 men …
Health topics
… Information Overview Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive type of opioid. It is a white or brown powder or a black, … heroin use. They can include: Bacterial infections of the blood vessels and heart valves. Liver or kidney disease. … can be detected in the urine for up to 24 hours and in blood for as long as 48 to 72 hours after use. If you or …
Health topics
… amphotericin B, bacitracin, and vancomycin. Some blood pressure medicines. One example is ACE inhibitors, … Dyes (contrast media). These are used in medical imaging tests. Illegal drugs. Examples are heroin and … amphotericin B, bacitracin, and vancomycin. Some blood pressure medicines. One example is ACE inhibitors, …
… or buttock. Dosage is based on your medical condition, lab test results, and response to treatment. Do not use more … help improve symptoms of diabetes, such as lowering high blood sugar. Check your blood sugar regularly as directed and share the results with …
HealthLinkBC files
… Latex condoms and polyurethane condoms are the best types of condoms to use to help prevent pregnancy and STIs. … partners, or have multiple sex partners, getting regularly tested for STIs will tell you if you have an infection. Some … them to make decisions about their health and getting tested. For more information For more information on how you …
… very small "pinpoint" pupils, slow heartbeat, or low blood pressure. If someone has serious overdose symptoms but … may not work as well to block the effects of certain types of opioids (mixed agonist/antagonists such as … diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, stomach cramps, increased blood pressure, fast heartbeat. In babies younger than 4 …
… plan to become pregnant. Your doctor may order a pregnancy test before starting this medication. You should not become … vision) This medication commonly causes a decrease in red blood cells in your body (anemia) which can be severe. If your red blood cell counts drop too low, you may need a blood