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… at high dosages) has rarely caused severe (sometimes fatal) blood/bone marrow problems (decreasing your body's ability to fight infections) and stomach/intestinal disease (such as bleeding) when used at the same … low back/side pain, signs of kidney problems (such as pink/bloody urine, change in the amount of urine, painful …
Health topics
… appendix. Your long-term outcome (prognosis) depends on the type and stage of your cancer, your age, your overall … stitches, or your incision comes open. You have signs of a blood clot, such as: Pain in your calf, back of knee, thigh, … ( adhesions ). Other complications may include: Infection. Blood clots in the legs ( deep vein thrombosis ) or lungs ( …
… following four requirements in order to use this drug: 1) test negative for pregnancy within 2 weeks before starting … family history of heart disease, or conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes). Do not take this drug right … have serious side effects. This medication may raise your blood pressure. Check your blood pressure regularly and tell …
Health topics
… disorder of the head of the femur. It's caused by decreased blood flow to this area. An inward twisting of the thigh … Treatment for a hip problem depends on: The location and type of injury, and how bad it is. The child's age, general … the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in …
… needs. Warning This medication may cause certain severe blood and bone marrow problems (low red blood cells/white blood cells/platelets, hemolytic anemia). … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as complete blood count, kidney function) should …
… is a calcium channel blocker and is used to treat high blood pressure or prevent chest pain (angina). It works by relaxing the blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily and the … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood cholesterol/triglyceride levels, liver …
Health topics
… the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in … because of partner Do you have concerns about any other type of abuse? Abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional. … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …
Health topics
… could cause dry eyes and mouth. The doctor may want to do tests that measure tear flow and saliva. Your blood may also be checked for antibodies. How is Sjögren's … want to do tests that measure tear flow and saliva. Your blood may also be checked for antibodies. How is Sjögren's …
Health topics
… to thrive Early disease screening of newborns Newborn blood spot card screening Immunizations Vaccines are the … Developmental dysplasia of the hip Developmental problems: Testing Gastroesophageal reflux in babies and children Orchiopexy for undescended testicle Umbilical hernia in children   Conditions affecting …
Health topics
… risks, such as stroke, but they are rare. If you take a blood-thinning medicine to prevent stroke, you will continue … things include: footnote 3 , footnote 4 , footnote 5 What type of atrial fibrillation you have ( paroxysmal or … likely to be helped by ablation. Taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) Many people think that having ablation means …