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4575 results found
… of chlordiazepoxide that works, and take it for the shortest possible time. Be sure you know how to take … disease lung/breathing problems (such as COPD, sleep apnea) blood disorder (porphyria) drug or alcohol abuse This drug … lab and/or medical tests (such as liver function, complete blood count) may be done while you are taking this …
… as asthma, emphysema) diabetes glaucoma heart problems high blood pressure kidney problems liver disease seizures stomach/intestinal problems (such as blockage, constipation, ulcers) … as asthma, emphysema) diabetes glaucoma heart problems high blood pressure kidney problems liver disease seizures …
… chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, sleep apnea) blood/immune system problems (such as bone marrow … (glaucoma) heart disease (such as irregular heartbeat) high blood pressure liver disease certain brain disorders (such … malignant syndrome, Reye's syndrome, seizures) stomach/intestine problems (such as blockage, ulcer) overactive …
HealthLinkBC files
… symptoms, the only way to know your exposure is to test your home for radon. Remediation should be conducted if … long-term (3 months to a year) and short-term (2 to 7 days) tests. Long-term testing is recommended to provide an accurate measurement of …
Health topics
… so that new skin can grow in its place. There are different types of chemical peels. Deeper peels give more noticeable … Your doctor can help you decide what depth of peel and what type of chemical is best for you. This decision is based on your skin type, which areas you want peeled, and what kind of results …
Health topics
… child that build attention skills. Some examples of these types of activities include doing puzzles, reading, or … a new system of limits and consequences, children tend to test those limits. It takes patience, imagination, … child that build attention skills. Some examples of these types of activities include doing puzzles, reading, or …
HealthLinkBC files
… their distribution system. You will have to get your water tested for lead by a laboratory to find out what the water … water. Carbon-based, reverse osmosis and distillation type filters that are certified to the NSF International …
Health topics
… emotional, and mental changes. Here are some of the types of growth that happen in teens, with examples of … how they want to be. Typical teen behaviour might include: Testing boundaries and breaking rules. Not wanting help from … emotional, and mental changes. Here are some of the types of growth that happen in teens, with examples of …
Health topics
… player's concussion history. The player's medicine use. The type of sport and the position played. The player's ability … ability to pay attention and to answer questions that test learning and memory. How quickly the player can solve … player's concussion history. The player's medicine use. The type of sport and the position played. The player's ability …
Health topics
… procedure usually takes an hour or more, depending on the type of surgery. Bunion repairs usually don't require an … More than one procedure may be done at the same time. Types of bunion surgery There are more than 100 surgeries for bunions. Research doesn't show which type of surgery is best. Your surgery needs to be specific …