4575 results found
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… Talk to your other health professionals. Many medical tests and procedures won't affect your ICD. But some … have an ICD that is safe for an MRI. If you have another type of ICD, the test might be done safely in certain cases, … have an ICD that is safe for an MRI. If you have another type of ICD, the test might be done safely in certain cases, …
Health topics
… you are having problems. It's also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take. … For example, a lab technician may come to your room to draw blood samples. A technician may come to your room to do an … For example, a lab technician may come to your room to draw blood samples. A technician may come to your room to do an …
Health topics
… a piece of bone or cartilage (or both) inside a joint loses blood supply and dies. Symptoms include pain and swelling. … surgery is needed. Treatment depends on: The location and type of injury, and how bad it is. When the injury occurred. … the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in …
… toothbrushes, and razors) that may have contacted blood or other body fluids. Consult your doctor or … moving your eyes) This medication may rarely make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as liver/kidney function, viral load, T-cell …
… may need to be gradually decreased. A very serious high blood pressure reaction may rarely occur if you eat a large … This drug may rarely cause an attack of extremely high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), which may be fatal. … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood pressure, liver function) should be …
… agitation, shaking, and headache. A rapid rise in blood pressure may also occur if the drug is suddenly … problems (such as slow/irregular heartbeat) stroke low blood pressure kidney disease This drug may make you dizzy … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood pressure, heart rate) should be done …
… is a diet supplement used to prevent and treat low blood levels of carnitine. Carnitine is a substance made in … fatty acids) for energy and to keep you in good health. Low blood levels of carnitine may occur in people whose bodies … products may not work in the same way. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood chemistries, vital signs, serum …
… doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: blood vessel disease (such as cerebrovascular disease, Raynaud's disease) high blood pressure heart problems (such as recent heart attack) … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as pulse, blood pressure, eye exams) may be done …
… infections (such as herpes, shingles) stomach/intestinal problems (such as ulcers) rare genetic disorders … nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). Do not donate blood while using mycophenolate and for 6 weeks after … medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood counts, drug levels, kidney function, pregnancy test) …
Health topics
… in tissue near the bursa that spreads to the bursa A blood-borne infection. This is rare. What are the symptoms? … drain fluid from the elbow with a needle and have the fluid tested by a lab. How is olecranon bursitis treated? Home … in tissue near the bursa that spreads to the bursa A blood-borne infection. This is rare. What are the symptoms? …