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4575 results found
… carefully. Dosage is based on your medical condition, blood levels of primidone, use of other medications to treat … to drugs/alcohol) personal/family history of a certain blood disorder (porphyria) certain vitamin deficiencies … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as primidone blood levels, blood counts, …
Health topics
… focus or location within the brain. In people with this type of disorder, the electrical charges that cause seizures … Epilepsy that causes focal seizures is the most common type of epilepsy in adults. What causes it? The seizures of … focus or location within the brain. In people with this type of disorder, the electrical charges that cause seizures …
Health topics
… haven't had a seizure in 2 years or more. You have only one type of seizure. (An exception is myoclonic seizures, which … scans (MRI or CT scan) don't show any problems. You have a type of epilepsy that tends to go away (remit), such as … haven't had a seizure in 2 years or more. You have only one type of seizure. (An exception is myoclonic seizures, which …
Health topics
… spreading, or help the immune system destroy cancer cells. Types of immunotherapy Immunotherapy helps treat cancer by supporting the body's immune system. This type of treatment can restore, boost, or redirect the immune … spreading, or help the immune system destroy cancer cells. Types of immunotherapy Immunotherapy helps treat cancer by …
Health topics
… cloudy, with a clear artificial one. There are several types of cataract surgery. They include: Phacoemulsification. This is the most common type. The doctor makes a small cut (incision) in your eye. A … it much. So long as I am still able to pass my driver's test and see well enough to do what I need to do, I don't …
Health topics
… Tool to help you decide if you need further assessment or testing. If you need testing, visit the BC Centre for Disease Control: Testing for COVID-19 to learn more about how to get a …
… if you have ever stopped taking nevirapine because of these types of reactions. Uses This drug is used with other HIV … toothbrushes, and razors) that may have contacted blood or other body fluids. Consult your doctor or … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as liver function, viral load, T-cell counts) …
Health topics
… the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the … or can't hold still. Don't use eardrops or sprays of any type. They can cause the battery to corrode more quickly and …
Medical tests
… page: Overview Why It Is Done Results Overview For this test, the sinus cavity is punctured with a needle, and a … the sinus contents is obtained. A culture and sensitivity test is often done on the sample to identify the bacteria , … The organism causing the infection can be identified. Other tests can determine which antibiotic will be most effective …
… health needs. Uses This medication is used to treat intestinal worm infections such as pinworm, roundworm, and … may be used to self-treat pinworm infections. For other types of worm infections (such as roundworm, hookworm), use … get the correct dose. The dosage is based on your weight, type of infection, and response to treatment. Do not take …