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Health topics
… Overview Overview Probiotics are a type of good bacteria. They help keep the natural balance of organisms in the intestines. They reduce the growth of harmful bacteria to help … problems in the stomach and intestines. But only certain types (strains) of bacteria or yeast have been shown to work …
Health topics
… Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Types of catheters include: Straight catheter. This is a … self-catheterization. Indwelling Foley catheter. This type of catheter remains in place continuously. It has a … for Men Condom catheter for men … Treatment Overview Types of catheters include: Straight catheter. This is a …
Health topics
… time knowing what to do. Is surgery the answer? Is another test the right choice? Is it best to get treatment, or watch … be a good idea if: You are deciding about a costly or risky test or treatment, like a surgery. You are not clear about how well a test or treatment may work. You need more information about …
Health topics
… This is because smoking can slowly and permanently damage blood vessels throughout the body, including those that carry blood to the penis. An erection is caused when blood flow to the penis increases. So damaged blood vessels …
… a long-acting form of psychiatric medication (antipsychotic-type) that works by helping to restore the balance of … overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) seizures low white blood cell count Haloperidol decanoate may cause a condition … cardiac death) Low levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood may also increase your risk of QT prolongation. This …
HealthLinkBC files
… BV, you must be examined by a health care provider. Lab tests of your vaginal fluid may be done. Your health care … women. It is not necessary for male sexual partner(s) to be tested or treated. It is recommended that female sexual partner(s) of women with BV have an assessment and testing for BV, as it is more common for female sexual …
… (including chest pain, irregular heartbeat) high blood pressure liver problems mental/mood disorders (such as … have ingredients that could raise your heart rate or blood pressure. Tell your pharmacist what products you are … others. Sharing it is against the law. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood pressure, heart rate) may be done while …
Health topics
… (hematoma) from an injury is caused by tears in the small blood vessels under the skin. Bleeding can also affect the … related to a sac-shaped structure with clear fluid, blood, or pus ( cyst ). Or swelling may be from a swollen … the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in …
Health topics
… you get better. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is one type of counselling. It appears to be an effective type of counselling for PTSD. In CBT, a therapist helps you … help you have fewer PTSD symptoms over time. There are many types of CBT for PTSD. Examples include cognitive therapy, …
Health topics
… with your hands or fingers, you may find it hard to type or to open and close a door. If you have problems with … of the tray can be adjusted to a spot that allows you to type with no pain. There are other types of keyboards, including split or curved keyboards, …