4575 results found
Health topics
… into the urethra and take a sample of fluid and cells to test for infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Checks your testicles for swelling and tenderness. May look at the end of your large intestine ( rectum ) for discharge. The doctor may also check …
Health topics
… when you do not have enough thyroid hormones in your blood (hypothyroidism). Depending on the cause of your … complications from having too little thyroid hormone in the blood, including a high level of fats and cholesterol in the blood. People who take thyroid hormones need to have their …
Health topics
… products you take. Your cholesterol, thyroid, eyes, and blood pressure, to see if you need treatment changes. Possible blood sugar problems during pregnancy. For example, many women have low blood sugar in early pregnancy. Later in pregnancy, they …
Health topics
… and slow the progression of varicose veins by improving blood circulation in your legs. Try to walk every day. … it puts the legs at heart level and avoids the pooling of blood in the legs that comes with varicose veins. For more … legs, ideally at or above heart level, it helps keep the blood from pooling in your lower legs and improves blood …
Health topics
… support physical activity for general health and different types of chronic conditions. It also offers resources that …
Health topics
… to Expect Rehabilitation Programs for Multiple Sclerosis Types of Multiple Sclerosis Also see Multiple Sclerosis: …
Health topics
… are right for you. Your doctor may suggest a test to find out your bone density , depending on your age … side effect. footnote 3 footnote 5 footnote 7 There are two types of bone side effects: Problems with the jaw bone. This … people do not have a bone side effect. 3 5 7 There are two types of bone side effects: Problems with the jaw bone. This …
Health topics
… the infected person or contact with the infected person's blood. HIV is not spread in such settings where exposures … person. Vaccines HIV is not spread by vaccines made from blood products, such as the hepatitis B vaccine and various … States. Hepatitis B vaccine now contains no human tissue or blood. The other products are made from screened blood or …
Health topics
… leg veins are weakened and cannot efficiently move the blood back toward the heart. Pooled blood and fluid in the lower legs then leads to tissue … You can prevent or heal a venous skin ulcer by helping your blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate your legs …
… the swelling, itching, and redness that can occur in these types of conditions. It can also help to heal the rough, … this medication will be absorbed from the skin into the bloodstream. This can lead to side effects of too much … may be necessary in those cases. Lab and/or medical tests (such as adrenal gland function) may be done while you …