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403 results found
Health topics
… depression. Feelings can sometimes range from "feeling blue" to more severe emotions, affecting how you feel about …
Health topics
… a list of "treasures" they can find, such as a red leaf, a blue house, a black dog, or an out-of-province licence … a list of "treasures" they can find, such as a red leaf, a blue house, a black dog, or an out-of-province licence …
HealthLinkBC files
… Mould often looks fuzzy or powdery and is usually light green to brown or black in colour. Mould growth may not be …
Health topics
… of your food—and not in a good way. Broccoli turns a dull green, and rice can turn to mush. Try these tips to avoid … of your food—and not in a good way. Broccoli turns a dull green, and rice can turn to mush. Try these tips to avoid …
Health topics
… These foods and drinks include: Alcohol. Cabbage. Spinach. Green beans. Coffee. Raw fruits. Spicy foods. Foods that can … These foods and drinks include: Alcohol. Cabbage. Spinach. Green beans. Coffee. Raw fruits. Spicy foods. Foods that can …
Healthy eating
… to estimate serving size. For example, one fist of tossed green salad; two tennis balls of white rice; one thumb tip …
Health topics
… - many women start to worry from the moment the stick turns blue! Some women, however, can develop an anxiety disorder …
Health topics
… I'd been taking care of myself. It just hit me out of the blue. And then I got heart failure because of my heart … I'd been taking care of myself. It just hit me out of the blue. And then I got heart failure because of my heart …
Health features
… The person is breathing very slowly or not breathing at all Blue lips The person’s fingernails or lips are turning blue or purple Choking sounds The person is making choking, …
Health topics
… and your new responsibilities. Many women get the "baby blues" during the first few days after childbirth. The "baby blues" usually peak around the fourth day and then ease up in less than 2 weeks. If you have the blues for more than a few days, or if you have thoughts of …