403 results found
Health topics
… wound, is the skin below the wound (farther down the limb) blue, pale, or cold to the touch and different from the … is not reaching the rest of the arm or leg. Yes Skin is blue, pale, or cold below an arm or leg injury No Skin is blue, pale, or cold below an arm or leg injury Can you move …
… the color of your urine to light orange-brown or yellow-green. This is not harmful. Remember that this medication … the color of your urine to light orange-brown or yellow-green. This is not harmful. Remember that this medication …
Health topics
… Your newborn's stools usually will change from black to green in the first few days. Then they will change to yellow … Your newborn's stools usually will change from black to green in the first few days. Then they will change to yellow …
Healthy eating
… and fruit in a variety of colours, including dark green and orange, every day. Fresh, frozen or canned …
Health topics
… seeds, nuts, legumes, unmilled cereal grains, and dark green vegetables. Calcium and zinc Long-term use of … seeds, nuts, legumes, unmilled cereal grains, and dark green vegetables. Calcium and zinc Long-term use of …
… serious side effects, including: blistering skin cracking blue-black darkening of the skin A very serious allergic … serious side effects, including: blistering skin cracking blue-black darkening of the skin A very serious allergic …
HealthLinkBC files
… lips or face), itching, warmth, redness, rash, pale or blue-coloured skin Stomach : nausea, vomiting, abdominal …
Health topics
… being able to catch your breath even at rest, and having blue or grey lips or fingernails. These symptoms mean the … being able to catch your breath even at rest, and having blue or grey lips or fingernails. These symptoms mean the …
Health topics
… one or friend doesn't seem the same. You thought it was the blues, but it's been going on for weeks. And it seems much … one or friend doesn't seem the same. You thought it was the blues, but it's been going on for weeks. And it seems much …
Health topics
… in neck No Swollen lymph nodes in neck Do you have white or green patches or pus on the back of your throat? Yes Pus or white or green patches on back of throat No Pus or white or green patches on back of throat Do you have cold symptoms, …