5308 results found
… by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body such as epinephrine on the heart and blood vessels. … very slow heartbeat fainting blue fingers/toes mental/mood changes (such as confusion, mood swings, depression) … stop this medication and tell the doctor right away. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… fingers/toes/nails cold sensation of hands/feet hearing changes mental/mood changes Naratriptan can commonly cause … signs of a stroke (such as weakness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, sudden vision changes, confusion) … especially increased blood pressure and heart problems. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… slow/irregular heartbeat muscle weakness mental/mood changes coldness/numbness/pain in the hands or feet vision … weight gain chest pain weakness on one side of the body trouble speaking confusion severe dizziness fainting A … that requires clear vision until you can do it safely. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… itching, dryness, skin/hair follicle irritation, and changes in skin color around the rectal area may occur. If … for a long time can make it more difficult for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or … the doctor regularly so your child's height can be checked. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… including: blue fingers/toes/nails cold hands/feet hearing changes mental/mood changes Frovatriptan can commonly cause … signs of a stroke (such as weakness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, sudden vision changes, confusion) … especially increased blood pressure and heart problems. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… fingers/toes/nails cold sensation of hands/feet hearing changes mental/mood changes This medication may raise your … signs of a stroke (such as weakness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, sudden vision changes, confusion) … especially increased blood pressure and heart problems. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… and want to feed more often. Your breasts may feel soft during a growth spurt, which can lead you to assume that … other foods like formula will not demand enough and your body will respond by making less milk. Engorgement. Your … switching back and forth between the bottle and the breast. Changes to a baby's gut. Formula also changes the lining of …
Health topics
… the bloodstream by the liver and kidneys, and it leaves the body in urine and stool. During pregnancy, the mother's body removes the extra bilirubin for …
Health topics
… and can become dangerously thin. Anorexia affects both the body and the mind. It may start as dieting, but it gets out … physical, emotional, and social triggers. Extreme dieting changes how the brain and metabolism work, and it stresses … health. (In a child or teen, losing or not gaining weight during a growth spurt is a concern.) Seeing your body as …
Health topics
… Overview Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration during which a person becomes less aware of their … do not know how hypnosis works, but it seems to put the body in a state of deep relaxation. Some people believe … acts on the unconscious mind and allows you to control body reactions that you cannot normally control, such as …