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5306 results found
Health topics
… with diet and exercise and if: You are an adult with a BMI (body mass index) of 40 or higher. You are an adult with a … you have and how well you follow your plan for lifestyle changes and follow-up appointments. Some people lose almost … You won't be able to drink for 30 minutes before you eat, during your meal, and for 30 minutes after you eat. There …
Health topics
… need to use another method of birth control to prevent pregnancy. You must fully breastfeed your infant. This means … best if you don't go longer than 4 hours between feedings during the day and no more than 6 hours between feedings at … have your period. Other birth control methods At any point during breastfeeding, use a reliable method of birth control …
Health topics
… Loss of the male hormone testosterone . As you age, your body makes less of this hormone. Some medical treatments, … cancer, can also lower the level of testosterone in your body. Low estrogen levels. Evidence suggests that low levels … also give you relief from pain caused by fractures or other changes to your bones. Medicines used to prevent or treat …
Health topics
… in middle age, existing bone cells are reabsorbed by the body faster than new bone is made. As this occurs, the bones … and because the loss of bone mass speeds up as hormonal changes take place at the time of menopause. In both men and … disorders or metabolism problems that do not allow the body to take in and use enough vitamins and minerals …
… Avoid sharing eating utensils, cups, razors, or towels during an outbreak. Also, try not to touch the cold sore … Dry/cracked lips, burning, stinging, redness, skin color changes, or dry/flaky skin may occur. If any of these … Try to avoid or prevent conditions that stress your body and can trigger a cold sore outbreak, such as getting a …
Health topics
… laparoscopic surgery has to be changed to an open resection during the surgery. How It Is Done Colon problems slide 1 of … which is called a colostomy, waste will leave your body through the stoma instead of through the anus. This … be able to control when waste or gas passes out of your body. To collect the waste, an odour-proof plastic colostomy …
Health topics
… can be related either to the strep infection or to the body's immune response to the infection. Complications … from the strep infection spreading to other areas of the body. Infection can spread to the: Middle ear ( otitis media … a strep infection of the skin (such as impetigo ), usually during the summer months, or the throat (such as strep …
Medical tests
… jewellery or metal objects from around your neck and upper body. How It Is Done A radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) test … and your neck extended. It's important to lie still during this test. A special machine is placed over your … benefits of the test. Most of the tracer will leave your body through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to …
… you have any serious side effects, including: mental/mood changes (such as confusion, hallucinations) shaking trouble … sleeping, and confusion can increase the risk of falling. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
… hemolytic anemia). These problems can decrease your body's ability to prevent/stop bleeding, fight infection, or … Tell your doctor right away if you notice any vision changes, seizures, agitation, confusion, or … medication should ask about reliable forms of birth control during treatment and for 6 months after the last dose. If …