5306 results found
… prescribe an antibiotic to help prevent serious infection during and after treatment with this medication. Carefully … bruising/bleeding swelling hands/ankles/feet sudden vision changes Idelalisib can commonly cause a rash that is usually … medications can affect the removal of idelalisib from your body, which may affect how idelalisib works. Examples …
Health topics
… sac that forms on an ovary . A sac normally forms during ovulation to hold a maturing egg. Usually the sac … causes them? A functional ovarian cyst is caused by slight changes in the way the ovary makes or releases an egg. A … pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, lower belly pain, and changes to your period. How are they diagnosed? If you see …
… unusual weight gain increased thirst/urination mental/mood changes (such as agitation, depression) muscle cramps … doses for a long time, it may be more difficult for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or … of this drug, especially QT prolongation (see above). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… If your doctor does approve the wearing of contact lenses during treatment with this medication, remove the lenses … bottle of dexamethasone eye drops or start a new bottle. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
Medical tests
… clothes above the waist. You will be given a gown to wear during the examination. First, your health professional will … then examine each breast, underarm, and collarbone area for changes in breast size, skin changes, or signs of injury or infection, such as bruising …
Health topics
… every 2 to 3 hours. By 3 months, most babies sleep longer during the night. Some need more sleep than others. Bedtime … will feed and go back to sleep easier. Keep the light off during nighttime feedings, and use a soft voice. Settle your … as quickly as possible if your baby isn't acting hungry during a nighttime feeding. If your baby doesn't settle …
… serious side effects. Ivabradine may rarely cause vision changes such as brief increased brightness, or seeing halos … usually start within the first 2 months and may go away during treatment or after stopping this medication. Tell … medications can affect the removal of ivabradine from your body, which may affect how ivabradine works. Examples …
Health topics
… staging and grading Does aspirin prevent cancer? Lifestyle changes that may help prevent cancer Tumour markers Anal … cancer risk when you are BRCA-positive Cancer treatment Body image after cancer treatment Cancer: controlling nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy Eating well during cancer treatment Hair loss from cancer treatment …
Health topics
… by the same nurse each shift. Babies rarely go to a nursery during the night. Research shows that mothers get more rest … your baby. Mom and baby togetherness creates hormonal changes in your body that encourage milk production. You'll have more …
Health topics
… not circumcised, pull back the foreskin and keep it back during the procedure. Hold your penis straight out in front of you, so its head is pointing away from your body. You may also hold it erect, so that it is pointing up. … out in front of you, so its head is pointing away from your body. You may also hold it erect, so that it is pointing up. …