5306 results found
Health topics
… socket after the extraction. The clot protects the bone during healing. If that blood clot gets loose or comes out … the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. People who have a hard time fighting off infections … immune system . Had recent major surgeries or have man-made body parts, such as an artificial heart valve. After an …
Health topics
… safe for you. Regular activity can help keep your heart and body healthy. The type and amount of exercise that's is safe … advise you not to take part in contact sports. Impacts during these sports could damage your device. Sports such as … disease. Regular activity can help keep your heart and body healthy. Get tests, if you need them, before you get …
Health topics
… use the tendon, and you may have more pain and stiffness during the night or when you get up in the morning. How is … your tendon again, you may need to make some long-term changes to your activities. Try changing what activities you … weeks of extra rest to heal. You may need to make long-term changes in the types of activities you do or how you do …
Health topics
… area is called the epidural space. An epidural can be used during childbirth to partly or fully numb the lower body. The amount of medicine you get will affect how numb … Medicine is injected into the catheter to numb your body below the insertion site. This will help relieve pain …
Health topics
… Signs that may mean your child is in pain include: Changes in usual behaviour. Your child may eat less or … in severe pain may take short naps because they are tired. Body movements, such as making fists, guarding a part of the body (especially while walking), kicking, clinging, or not …
Health topics
… Gas (flatus) is made in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food into energy. All people pass gas, some … condition, such as a bowel obstruction or Crohn's disease . Changes in hormone levels. It is common for women to have … Gas (flatus) is made in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food into energy. All people pass gas, some …
Health topics
… caused by a change, or mutation, in the gene that tells the body how to make alpha-1 antitrypsin. There are many kinds of possible changes in this gene, but only a few cause problems. To have … you received from your other parent is enough to tell your body how to properly make alpha-1 antitrypsin. Some people …
Health topics
… nails at one time or another. Nail-biting occurs most often during puberty . Some young adults, ages 18 to 22 years, … treatment successfully. Nail-biting may occur with other body-focused repetitive behaviours (BFRB) such as … help you stop biting your nails. Some focus on behaviour changes and some focus on physical barriers to nail-biting. …
Health topics
… after jumping: Land with the knees bent. As the knees bend during landing, make sure they travel in a straight path. Do … the heels. Keep your knees and hips aligned and your upper body upright. Don't bend too far forward or backward as you … the heels. Keep your knees and hips aligned and your upper body upright. Don't bend too far forward or backward as you …
Health topics
… the skin, alone or in groups. Most people get a few moles during their first 20 years of life. They are usually brown … Talk to your doctor if a mole bleeds, itches, burns, or changes size or colour. Also let your doctor know if you get … most often appear on the neck, armpits, upper trunk, and body folds. The cause of skin tags isn't known. Skin tags …