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5306 results found
Health topics
… adults in Canada live with metabolic conditions: Obesity (body mass index ≥30 kg/m2) affected 26.4% or 8.3 million adults in 2016. Overweight (body mass index 25-29.9 kg/m2) affected 34% or 10.6 million … causes a wide range of health benefits in adults even if body weight and blood sugar control do not change. Canadian …
Health topics
… bloodstream to remove heavy metals and/or minerals from the body. Chelation means "to grab" or "to bind." When EDTA is … arsenic, aluminum, and calcium and removes them from the body. Except as a treatment for lead poisoning, chelation … Chelation therapy should not replace lifestyle changes or standard treatments for coronary artery disease. …
Health topics
… fibrous tissue. What happens For some cardiomyopathies, the changes in the heart muscle can lead to other heart problems … When the heart cannot pump blood well, the rest of the body may not get enough blood, oxygen, or nutrients. … When the heart cannot pump blood well, the rest of the body may not get enough blood, oxygen, or nutrients. …
Health topics
… your sex life together. If you withdraw sexually because of body image, fear of erection problems, or fear of not … whole relationship, not just the sexual relationship. Make changes, if needed. Identify positive areas, areas of … your sex life together. If you withdraw sexually because of body image, fear of erection problems, or fear of not …
Health topics
… because your bone marrow doesn't make them. Or your body's defences (immune system) may destroy them. Having an … called platelet transfusion. Taking medicines to stop the body from destroying the platelets. Taking medicine that helps the body make more platelets. Having surgery to remove the …
Health topics
… phenomenon is a normal rise in blood sugar as a person's body prepares to wake up. In the early morning hours, … amounts of sugar into the bloodstream. For most people, the body produces insulin to control the rise in blood sugar. If … bedtime snack, and the person's blood sugar level drops during the night. The person's body responds to the low …
… not be injected into the spine or into other areas of the body since fatal reactions have occurred. If vincristine … your doctor. The dosage is based on your medical condition, body size, and response to treatment. In small children, … have any serious side effects, including: vision/hearing changes mental/mood changes (such as depression, …
Health topics
… up in your bloodstream over time. It slowly leaves the body through urine, stool, and breast milk. For most people, … coastal areas. Environmental Illness Pregnancy Citations Health Canada (2008, updated … up in your bloodstream over time. It slowly leaves the body through urine, stool, and breast milk. For most people, …
HealthLinkBC files
… and pain in the joints. Infections in the first 3 months of pregnancy can cause severe harm to a developing baby; about … for health care workers who may be exposed to blood or body fluids. Individuals are considered to be immune if they … care settings. It also helps reduce illness among employees during the influenza season. Influenza is an infection of …
Health topics
… or other clinics or blood banks. You may be able to donate during blood drives at your workplace. When you donate whole … can give blood may change, or your health may change. Your body will replace the lost fluid in 24 hours. (It takes a … or leafy green vegetables, for several weeks to help your body make new red blood cells. Risks Donating blood is safe. …