5308 results found
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… without diabetes. Each child will react differently during physical activity. Children who use insulin are at … before exercise in a site other than the parts of the body your child will be using during exercise. For example, … before exercise in a site other than the parts of the body your child will be using during exercise. For example, …
Health topics
… so slowly that it doesn't pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. This can cause symptoms, such as feeling dizzy … Bradycardia can be caused by many things. Examples include: Changes in the heart that are the result of aging. Diseases … it. An EKG can identify bradycardia only if you have it during the test. You may need to wear or carry a device …
Health topics
… possible when bones are still growing. It is most effective during children's growth spurts. Orthodontists use growth … as much as teens do. Because the jaw continues to grow during childhood and adolescence, growth modification … possible when bones are still growing. It is most effective during children's growth spurts. Orthodontists use growth …
HealthLinkBC files
… 24 and 48 months. However, not everyone will show interest during this age range. For some children, the family may … the toilet: Wait for a time when there aren’t other big changes in your child’s life to get started Make sure that … your child shows signs of being ready again. Be aware that changes, such as moving to a new house, starting playschool, …
… Dry/itchy skin, loss of color in the skin, hair color changes, swelling, or muscle/joint pain may occur. If any of … or plan to become pregnant. Your doctor may order a pregnancy test before starting this medication. You should … Dry/itchy skin, loss of color in the skin, hair color changes, swelling, or muscle/joint pain may occur. If any of …
Health topics
… you use a wrist splint: When worn to stabilize the wrist during sleep, a wrist splint can reduce pain and pressure on … isn't a substitute for good workplace design and proper body mechanics. Some experts advise against wearing a wrist … isn't a substitute for good workplace design and proper body mechanics. Some experts advise against wearing a wrist …
Health topics
… lenses, there will be a 2- to 4-week break-in period during which you wear the lenses for increasingly longer … they and their parents must accept the need for frequent changes in the prescription until the eyes stop changing in … to the cornea (hypoxia), corneal scratches and scrapes, changes in the cornea's shape, or infection of the cornea. …
Health topics
… for specific instructions. Or call your doctor. How likely pregnancy is depends on a few things, such as when you … doctor about instructions on how to take your missed pills. Pregnancy is more likely. So use a backup method of birth … you can use emergency contraception to help prevent pregnancy. The most effective emergency contraception is …
Health topics
… than the other. The child's head isn't centred over their body. One shoulder blade may stick out more than the other. … examines the child every 4 to 6 months to watch for any changes. In moderate or severe cases of scoliosis, the curves keep getting worse. During periods of growth, such as during the teenage growth …
Health topics
… An action plan lists things that need to be taken care of during a relapse. Think about: Who will take care of your … you. An advance care plan tells your wishes for treatment during a relapse. It can be very useful if you have severe symptoms of fear or suspicion of others during a relapse. A proxy directive says who will be in …