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5308 results found
… urinary problems such as hemorrhagic cystitis, mental/mood changes, blood/bone marrow disorders), which may require … hallucinations. Blood/bone marrow disorders can affect your body's ability to stop bleeding, or fight infection. Tell … The dosage is based on your medical condition, body size, and response to treatment. If this medication …
Medical tests
… keep the water (the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's cells) and electrolyte balance of the body. Sodium is also important in how nerves and muscles … of time, collect all your urine. Each time you urinate during this time period, collect your urine in a small, …
Health topics
… a band, a strip, or a small area on one side of the face or body. It's also called herpes zoster. Shingles is most … virus that causes chickenpox becomes active again in your body. After you've had chickenpox, the virus "sleeps" (is … Muscle weakness in the area of the infected skin before, during, or after the episode of shingles. Delaying or not …
Health topics
… The shaking may increase or spread to other parts of the body over time. Essential tremor doesn't cause other health … cause of essential tremor. But the shaking may be caused by changes in certain parts of your brain. It's more common if … that you can't control. It is usually on both sides of your body. It often starts in the hands but can be in the arms, …
Health topics
… a rash that can appear on many different parts of the body. It is called ringworm because it sometimes looks like … can affect the face, groin, hands, and other parts of the body. What happens when you have ringworm? Ringworm of the … antibiotics. Ringworm can also spread to other parts of the body, including the feet, nails, scalp, or beard. After …
Health topics
… fibroid tumours, but they aren't cancer. You may be awake during the procedure. But you will get medicine to help with … early menopause. And it may increase the risk for certain pregnancy problems. Infection. Unplanned hysterectomy. In … fibroid tumours, but they aren't cancer. You may be awake during the procedure. But you will get medicine to help with …
Health topics
… that your heart muscle does not pump as much blood as your body needs. Failure doesn't mean that your heart has … side of the heart. This is the side that pumps blood to the body. The heart's lower chamber, called the left ventricle, … when the left ventricle cannot fill properly with blood during the diastolic (filling) phase. The ejection fraction …
Medical tests
… how brain waves respond to certain things you look at during the test. Why It Is Done The different … 45 minutes. Visual evoked response (VER) A computer records changes in your brain waves while you look at patterns. … 45 minutes. Visual evoked response (VER) A computer records changes in your brain waves while you look at patterns. …
Health topics
… abilities continue to evolve over the next 4 to 5 years. During this time, the child does increasingly complex, … abilities continue to evolve over the next 4 to 5 years. During this time, the child does increasingly complex, …
Health topics
… alternatives to smoking. And they are harmful to your body. They can lead to: White patches or red sores in your … Your gums should begin to look healthier. Seeing these changes may motivate you to stay tobacco-free. Related … alternatives to smoking. And they are harmful to your body. They can lead to: White patches or red sores in your …