5308 results found
Health topics
… your nose or mouth into the tubes leading to your lungs. During the procedure, the doctor can obtain samples of … to produce detailed pictures of structures inside your body. It may be used in people who aren't responding to … to produce detailed pictures of structures inside your body. It may be used in people who aren't responding to …
Health topics
… nerve surgery for symptoms related to cerebral palsy (CP). During SDR, a surgeon cuts the skin over the lower part of … In most cases, SDR does not affect other functions of the body, such as bowel and bladder control or the ability to … In most cases, SDR does not affect other functions of the body, such as bowel and bladder control or the ability to …
Health topics
… with the disease.) Women who have tested positive for gene changes (such as BRCA) may want to consider having their … ultrasound. Ultrasound uses sound waves to make pictures of body parts. A small hand-held device is passed back and … surgery to remove your ovaries and tubes You will be asleep during the operation. If the operation is laparoscopic (done …
Health topics
… and be as independent as possible. Learn to live with the changes to your brain and body caused by the stroke. Adjust to living within your … may not be able to feel when something touches an affected body part. You may feel very tired. Speech and language. …
HealthLinkBC files
… Files #30c Quitting smoking HealthLinkBC Files #38d Pregnancy and alcohol use HealthLinkBC File #97 Contact with blood or body fluids: Protecting against infection HealthLinkBC File …
Health topics
… problems with your medicine schedule or if you have any changes in your health that might affect your medicine … seizures than usual. Let your doctor know if you have any changes in your health that might affect your medicine needs, such as weight gain, pregnancy, or another medical condition. Current as …
Health topics
… Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview During trabeculectomy—sometimes also called filtration … is worse than it was before surgery (common). Continued changes in the nerve at the back of the eye related to … is worse than it was before surgery (common). Continued changes in the nerve at the back of the eye related to …
Health topics
… what you notice about the feeling. What happens in your body? Do your shoulders tense? Or do you get a hot feeling … in through your nose. Imagine the air coming into your body as new, clean, and cool. Then, as you exhale the air … what you notice about the feeling. What happens in your body? Do your shoulders tense? Or do you get a hot feeling …
Healthy eating
… they are. It may cause tingling or pain in parts of your body and decreased vision. Other symptoms of MS can include: Feeling tired Depression Changes in how you think Swallowing problems Movement … Calcium is one of the building blocks of strong bones. Your body needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium. Good food …
Health topics
… into different positions. It's very important that a person changes positions. Lying in one position for a long time can … their knees bent. Have them place their arms across their body. Ask them to roll toward you while keeping the knees … the direction of the turn. Position their arms across their body. Stand on opposite sides of the bed. One of you will …