5308 results found
Health topics
… may use general anesthesia. This means you'll be asleep during surgery. Which type of anesthesia you get depends on … As soon as possible, you will be taught how to move your body without hurting your hip. Until your hip is fully … Your weight can make a difference. Every extra kilogram of body weight adds 3 kilograms of stress to your new hip …
Medical tests
… old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal … cell disease or an allergic reaction to blood received during a transfusion (called a transfusion reaction). … old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal …
Health topics
… information What questions or concerns do I want addressed during this appointment? My symptoms Do I have any symptoms? … information What questions or concerns do I want addressed during this appointment? My symptoms Do I have any symptoms? …
Health topics
… shaky, and nauseated. It also can make it hard for your body to get enough nutrition. Your doctor will give you … (open or laparoscopic) you'll have to watch your activity during recovery. If you had open surgery, it's important to … But you may also feel overwhelmed or frustrated by the changes that you have to make in your diet, activity, and …
… Follow the instructions very closely to make sure your body absorbs as much drug as possible and to reduce the risk … or plan to become pregnant. Alendronate may stay in your body for many years. You should not become pregnant while … esophagus (chest pain), muscle weakness/cramps, mental/mood changes. Notes Do not share this medication with others. …
… Follow the instructions very closely to make sure your body absorbs as much drug as possible and to reduce the risk … or plan to become pregnant. Alendronate may stay in your body for many years. You should not become pregnant while … esophagus (chest pain), muscle weakness/cramps, mental/mood changes. Notes Do not share this medication with others. …
Health topics
… people with few or no ACEs. This may be because of physical changes that can happen in a child's body when they have ongoing stress. It may also be because … be because of physical changes that can happen in a child's body when they have ongoing stress. It may also be because …
Health topics
… , the seizure activity related to ECT does not cause the body to convulse. It's not known exactly how this brain … Risks In rare cases, ECT may increase blood pressure, cause changes in heart rhythm, or produce seizures that last … , the seizure activity related to ECT does not cause the body to convulse. It's not known exactly how this brain …
… tiredness/weakness eye pain/sensitivity to light vision changes (such as blurred vision, blind spot/shadows in the center of your vision, color changes) mental changes (such as sudden confusion) seizure … may harm an unborn baby. Your doctor should order a pregnancy test before you start this medication. Ask about …
Health topics
… disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that occurs during the same season each year. It is sometimes called … the same time each year. You may feel unhappy and tired during fall and winter. But you feel more cheerful and have … SAD, your doctor will ask if: You have been depressed during the same season and have gotten better when the …