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5308 results found
Medical tests
… of your clothes. If so, you will be given a gown to use during the test. For some CT scans, you may be able to wear … opening of the machine, and the scanner moves around your body. The table will move a little every few seconds to take … opening of the machine, and the scanner moves around your body. The table will move a little every few seconds to take …
… prime the spray bottle as directed. Close your eyes tightly during application and avoid getting dimethicone in your … plenty of water. Since you should keep your eyes closed during application, you may need to have another person help … prime the spray bottle as directed. Close your eyes tightly during application and avoid getting dimethicone in your …
HealthLinkBC files
… your home well ventilated, especially when cooking or during home renovations. Keep windows open (just a crack in … of mould On days when outdoor air quality is poor, such as during wildfires, consider limiting airflow from outdoors …
Health topics
… when standing or walking. Muscle twitching. Personality changes, such as anger or crying. Severe low blood sugar … in the morning with a headache if your blood sugar was low during the night. Hypoglycemic unawareness Hypoglycemic … when standing or walking. Muscle twitching. Personality changes, such as anger or crying. Severe low blood sugar …
Health topics
… the eustachian tubes from opening. This leads to pressure changes. Fluid may collect in the middle ear. The pressure … and fluid can cause pain. You also can have ear pain from changes in pressure while you are flying in an airplane, … in an airplane, you can chew gum, yawn, or drink liquids during takeoff and landing. Try the exercise where you …
HealthLinkBC files
… method) Non-contact infrared thermometers (NCITs) measure body temperature from a specific distance by sensing the … armpit Tuck your child’s arm snugly (closely) against their body Leave the thermometer in place for about 1 minute, … as much as 1 degree in the morning and reaching a maximum during the late afternoon. Mild increases may be caused by …
Health topics
… qualified therapist who can teach you to use your mind and body to control nausea and vomiting. These techniques help … Biofeedback . Biofeedback uses the mind to control a body function that the body normally regulates on its own, … as quickly as possible. Here are some tips for eating well during chemotherapy: Eat small, frequent meals or snacks. …
… that can affect the removal of dihydroergotamine from your body. Examples include azole antifungals (such as … also Warning section. Sore nose/throat, stuffy/runny nose, changes in taste, dizziness, or nausea may occur. If any of … pain/pressure sudden tiredness weakness on one side of the body trouble speaking vision changes mental/mood changes
Health topics
… there is a fire. Stop, drop, and roll if any part of their body or clothing catches on fire. Crawl under smoke to get … there is a fire. Stop, drop, and roll if any part of their body or clothing catches on fire. Crawl under smoke to get …
Health topics
… spread (metastasized) to the lung from another part of the body. A growth that isn't cancer. An infection, or a scar … your doctor may just want to watch to see if the nodule changes over time. Or your doctor may want you to have … spread (metastasized) to the lung from another part of the body. A growth that isn't cancer. An infection, or a scar …