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5308 results found
Health topics
… is needed to provide relief for this type of cough. A cough during the night that sounds like a barking seal may be a … is needed to provide relief for this type of cough. A cough during the night that sounds like a barking seal may be a …
Health topics
… What questions or concerns do I want addressed during this appointment? Do I have any new symptoms? Yes ___ … What questions or concerns do I want addressed during this appointment? Do I have any new symptoms? Yes ___ …
Health topics
… will have you put on a heavy apron to shield your body from X-rays. Everyone else in the room will either wear … Have an impaired immune system. Have man-made parts in your body. Had recent major surgeries. Learn more Dental X-Rays … while you sleep, so saliva does not clean the mouth well during sleeping hours. Quit using tobacco. Using any tobacco …
Medical tests
… fibrosis have a high level of chloride in their sweat. During the sweat test , medicine that causes a person to … You may help with the test and stay with your child during the test. If you can't stay, you may want to ask a … is done. See if your child might be able to watch a movie during the test. How It Is Done The sweat test is usually …
Health topics
… decay will likely damage or has already killed a tooth. During a root canal, a dentist or endodontist removes the … the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. Because of this, some people may be at more risk when … the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. Because of this, some people may be at more risk when …
Health topics
… water to clean surfaces that have your blood or any other body fluid (such as semen or menstrual blood) on them. These … If you have long-term hepatitis B, always use latex condoms during any sexual activity. You can infect others with the … water to clean surfaces that have your blood or any other body fluid (such as semen or menstrual blood) on them. These …
Health topics
… to loosen the: Muscles that make the hips turn toward the body (partial release of the hip adductor muscles). This … difficult or impossible. How Well It Works Corrections made during orthopedic surgery may be temporary. As a person … to loosen the: Muscles that make the hips turn toward the body (partial release of the hip adductor muscles). This …
HealthLinkBC files
… for parents. Over time, babies gradually sleep longer during the night. How can I make sure that my child is safe … their bed. Making sure that your baby gets enough nap time during the day can also help them sleep well at night. At … deep sleep, followed by several hours of lighter sleep. During light sleep, they may partly wake many times. At this …
Health topics
… Severe symptoms vary depending on which part of the body is affected. If the infection is in the: Brain ( encephalitis ), symptoms include seizures, sensory changes, weakness, changes in behaviour or mental state, and … Severe symptoms vary depending on which part of the body is affected. If the infection is in the: Brain ( …
Health topics
… feet for: What to do if you notice a problem Skin colour changes: Red Blue or black Redness could mean irritation … or a blood flow problem. Show the areas to your doctor during your next visit. Blister Try to discover the cause of … feet for: What to do if you notice a problem Skin colour changes: Red Blue or black Redness could mean irritation …