5309 results found
Medical tests
… that checks the amount of calcium that is passed from the body in the urine. Calcium is the most common mineral in the body and one of the most important. The body needs it to build and fix bones and teeth, help nerves …
Health topics
… foods that are high in those nutrients. Don't make big changes in your diet all at once. Make small changes, and don't give up. As soon as those changes become habit, add a few more changes. You'll have …
Health topics
… aid measures may prevent further heat loss and help the body slowly warm up. Remain calm. Fear or too much activity … or sleeping bag around you and another person and allow body heat to rewarm you. Warm up under a heated blanket, if … to get your blood moving and warm you up. Activity makes body heat and improves blood flow. Sweating should be …
Health topics
… a time. Rather than changing your diet overnight, make your changes one at a time. Some example goals are eating out … some of the foods you used to eat before you started making changes in your diet. And you may have learned to like new … can measure your blood pressure to see whether dietary changes are improving it. Reward yourself When you reach one …
Medical tests
… involves checking your breasts for lumps or changes. Many breast problems are first discovered by women … though it is most common in women older than 50. Lumps or changes also may be signs of other breast conditions, such … breasts look and feel and to talk to your doctor about any changes. How It Is Done The best time to examine your …
Health topics
… yourself in the future. Imagine that you've made some small changes to your eating habits, like keeping some healthy … a little more in control of your life. Make small, gradual changes. What are some small, simple changes that feel doable? What new approaches might you try? …
Health topics
… Overview Heatstroke occurs when the body fails to regulate its own temperature and body temperature continues to rise, often to 40 °C (104 °F) … surface to the air as possible. Cool the person's entire body by sponging or spraying cold water, and fan the person …
Health topics
… cancer screening tests check the cells on the cervix for changes that could lead to cancer. Two tests can be used to … be used alone or together. A Pap test. This test looks for changes in the cells of the cervix. Some of these cell changes could lead to cancer. Most cervical cancer screening …
Health topics
… or grafts, a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to the narrowed coronary artery. The grafted blood … you understand what your risk for problems is. The risks during or soon after bypass surgery include: Infection. … or grafts, a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to the narrowed coronary artery. The grafted blood …
Medical tests
… controls serum osmolality. Water constantly leaves your body as you breathe, sweat, and urinate. If you do not drink … increases. When serum osmolality increases, your body releases ADH. This keeps water from leaving in the … your blood decreases. When serum osmolality decreases, your body stops releasing ADH. This increases the amount of water …