5310 results found
Health topics
Health topics
… reflux disease (GERD) . GERD is usually treated with changes to diet and lifestyle and medicines to reduce the … reflux disease (GERD) . GERD is usually treated with changes to diet and lifestyle and medicines to reduce the …
Health topics
… weeks following your surgery. Try to make your life simpler during the recovery period by doing things such as paying … A very low blood count may need to be increased before or during surgery with a blood transfusion. Prothrombin time … the day of your surgery, for someone to help you at home during your first week out of the hospital, and for someone …
Health topics
… where there is a break in the skin or where tubes enter the body. In the community, these infections are more likely to … where there is a break in the skin or where tubes enter the body. In the community, staph infections are more likely to … where there is a break in the skin or where tubes enter the body. In the community, these infections are more likely to …
Health topics
… take a thin sheet of healthy skin from another part of your body. This sheet of skin can be used to cover the area where … quickly. Has a high risk of spreading to other parts of the body, such as in some squamous cell carcinomas . Occurs in … take a thin sheet of healthy skin from another part of your body. This sheet of skin can be used to cover the area where …
Health topics
… doesn't make enough of an enzyme called lactase . Your body needs lactase to break down, or digest, lactose. … severe. Your symptoms may depend on how much lactase your body makes. Symptoms usually start 30 minutes to 2 hours … doesn't make enough of an enzyme called lactase . Your body needs lactase to break down, or digest, lactose. …
Health topics
… at which HIV makes copies of itself (multiplies) in the body. A combination of three or more antiretroviral … therapy is to reduce the amount of virus in your body (viral load) to a level that can no longer be detected … at which HIV makes copies of itself (multiplies) in the body. A combination of three or more antiretroviral …
Health topics
… he breathes out. He focuses on all the muscle groups in his body, one area at a time. Guided imagery taught Jerry how to … himself in a peaceful place. Then he could relax his body and mind. He was able to do progressive muscle … he breathes out. He focuses on all the muscle groups in his body, one area at a time. Guided imagery taught Jerry how to …
Health topics
… your heart, and increases blood circulation through your body. This can help bring more oxygen and nutrients to your … in oxygen. It lowers blood pressure and helps to reduce body fat. It also improves blood sugar and cholesterol … your heart, and increases blood circulation through your body. This can help bring more oxygen and nutrients to your …
Health topics
… Hospitals and other health services may be overwhelmed during public health emergencies. Although such incidents … and supplies kit to provide for yourself and your family during a community emergency. See the "Get Organized" … officials. (Phone lines are likely to be overwhelmed during a public health emergency, so do not try to call for …