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Health topics
… the late 1700s in Germany. It's based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself. Homeopathic medicine … views symptoms of illness as normal responses of the body as it attempts to regain health. Homeopathy is based on … In theory, a homeopathic dose enhances the body's normal healing and self-regulatory processes. A homeopathic health …
Health topics
… is an infection of the liver . It's caused by a virus. Sometimes it's a short-term (acute) infection that goes away … done during pregnancy. First, a hepatitis C (HCV) antibody test is done. This shows whether you've been exposed to … drugs. Less often, it's spread by: Getting a tattoo or a piercing with a needle that wasn't cleaned properly. Sharing …
Health topics
… the vein from the puncture site towards the trunk of the body is more serious. If you have this symptom, call your … pad, after 48 hours, to help relieve the pain and promote healing. Report your symptoms to your doctor if the symptoms … the vein from the puncture site towards the trunk of the body is more serious. If you have this symptom, call your …
Health topics
… is an Achilles tendon tear? An Achilles tendon tear —sometimes called a rupture—can be partial or complete. Partial … can return to sports and other activities. If you are healing from an Achilles tendon tear, don't smoke or use other tobacco products. Smoking slows healing. This is because it decreases blood supply and …
Health topics
… you get stronger. You'll also be taught how to move your body without dislocating your hip. During the first week or … less pain than before and a better quality of life. Sometimes hip replacements have to be done again. It depends on … teach you how to move safely. For example, while you're healing, the therapist may suggest that you: Do not cross …
Health topics
… of Crohn's disease are belly pain and diarrhea (sometimes with blood). Losing weight without trying is another … develop outside the digestive tract in other parts of the body. This can include in the eyes, liver, blood, and bones. … intestines and help relieve symptoms. They also promote the healing of damaged tissues. People who have more severe, …
HealthLinkBC files
… unsterilized materials or equipment used for tattoos, body-piercing, acupuncture or electrolysis Blood or blood product … hepatitis C is through a blood test. A positive HCV antibody test means that you have or had hepatitis C. If your …
Health topics
… leaves the stomach to the opening where feces leave the body (anus). The bowel helps to process food, absorb … for 4 to 7 days or as long as 2 weeks after surgery. Sometimes the two parts of the colon or rectum can't be … creates an opening, called a stoma, on the outside of the body for the stool, or feces, to pass through into a …
Health topics
… of keeping it dry. If the incision is on the front of your body, you can take a shower with your back to the shower … or iodine, which can harm the tissue and slow wound healing. Air-dry the incision or pat it dry with a clean, … of keeping it dry. If the incision is on the front of your body, you can take a shower with your back to the shower …
Health topics
… ulcers. They happen when artery disease is present (sometimes in combination with venous disease). These ulcers tend … may advise other treatment, such as: Medicine to speed healing or get rid of an infection ( antibiotics ). Skin … may advise other treatment, such as: Medicine to speed healing or get rid of an infection ( antibiotics ). Skin …