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3693 results found
… Missed Dose Not applicable. Storage Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Do not store in … Missed Dose Not applicable. Storage Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Do not store in …
HealthLinkBC files
… unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature while unsaturated fats are liquid. Unsaturated …
Health topics
… day. Remember that soups and foods that are liquid at room temperature, such as gelatin dessert (for example, Jell-O) … day. Remember that soups and foods that are liquid at room temperature, such as gelatin dessert (for example, Jell-O) …
Health topics
… clear from obstacles? Are floors free from spills? Is the temperature comfortable? Do the residents seem clean and … clear from obstacles? Are floors free from spills? Is the temperature comfortable? Do the residents seem clean and …
Health topics
… disorders. Professions and sports that require a certain body type may also indirectly encourage eating disorders. … and wrestling often emphasize or require a thin, lean body. Certain family attitudes or dynamics may contribute to … concerned about physical fitness, including parents' own body weight and that of the child (or children). Are …
Medical tests
… cell (WBC, leukocyte) count. White blood cells protect the body against infection. If an infection develops, white … is sometimes used to find an infection or to see how the body is dealing with cancer treatment. White blood cell … Each type of cell plays a different role in protecting the body. The numbers of each one of these types of white blood …
Health topics
… with medicines and hormones. These tests may include: Basal body temperature tests. Blood tests. Semen analysis. Advanced … the uterus that can't be seen with other tests. Sperm antibody test. This test shows whether sperm have been damaged …
Health topics
… occurs when urea and other waste products build up in the body because the kidneys are unable to eliminate them. These substances can become poisonous (toxic) to the body if they reach high levels. Uremic syndrome may affect any part of the body and can cause: Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and …
Health topics
… a type of white blood cell . White blood cells protect the body against infection. CD4+ cells are also called … cells. HIV invades and destroys CD4+ cells. But the body continues to produce new CD4+ cells to fight the HIV … If the infection is not treated with medicines, the body gradually loses the ability to produce enough CD4+ …
Medical tests
… test that measures the level of lactic acid made in the body. Most of it is made by muscle tissue and red blood cells . When the oxygen level in the body is normal, carbohydrate breaks down into water and … or shock —lower the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body. Lactic acid levels can also get higher when the liver …