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Health topics
… circumference , use a tape measure to measure around your body at the top of your hip bone. This is usually at the … Promotion, Health Canada (2003). Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults . Ottawa: Her Majesty … Promotion, Health Canada (2003). Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults . Ottawa: Her Majesty …
Health topics
… too much yeast to grow include: Warm and moist areas on the body. Tight-fitting, "non-breathable" clothing that keeps … Certain health problems, such as diabetes , that weaken the body's immune system . Certain medications, such as Prednisone, that weaken the body’s immune system.  What are the symptoms? The most …
Health topics
… virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system , the body's natural defence system. Without a strong immune system, the body has trouble fighting off disease. Both the virus and …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview The brain controls how the body moves by sending out small electrical signals through … when abnormal signals from the brain change the way the body functions. Seizures are different from person to … may become unconscious and have shaking of the entire body. Shaking of the body doesn't always occur with …
HealthLinkBC files
… In rare cases, the bacteria may enter other parts of the body including the lungs, joints, and the membranes around … by toxins produced by the bacteria and can affect all body organs. In B.C., about 1 in 20 cases of invasive GAS … In other cases, surgery is required to remove the affected body tissue or limb. The original site of infection on your …
HealthLinkBC files
… It can spread quickly up the affected arm, leg or other body part. This kind of infection can cause gangrene – the death of tissue in a part of the body. What causes necrotizing fasciitis? Necrotizing … fasciitis. However, these bacteria make toxins that destroy body tissue directly. The bacteria also cause the body's …
Health topics
… < Prev      Next > slide 5 of 5, Colostomy pouch in place, Body waste passes from the colon through the stoma into a colostomy pouch (or bag), which is taped to your body. What To Expect A colostomy usually requires general … pouch is taped over the opening on the outside of your body. You will be taught how to take care of your pouch and …
Health topics
… as farms and ranches. These bacteria typically enter the body through a wound, cut, splinter, or burn. The bacteria … immunoglobulin (TIG). This is a protein that helps your body's immune system find and destroy bacteria. TIG boosts your immunity while your body fights the infection. Medicines to decrease muscle …
Health topics
… can lead to insulin resistance, a condition in which the body is unable to respond normally to insulin. If you have insulin resistance, your body cannot use insulin properly, and your blood sugar will … syndrome include: Insulin resistance. This means that your body cannot use insulin properly. Abdominal obesity. This …
Health topics
… come back in the same place or on a different part of your body. Treatment can take a lot of time, be painful, and cost … you touch the warts and then touch another part of your body. You can infect others when you share towels, razors, … away, they may come back or spread to other parts of your body. This is because most treatments destroy the wart but …