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HealthLinkBC files
… with hepatitis B, the virus is very likely to stay in the body forever. If the virus stays in the body for a long time, it can cause serious disease including … B is spread by contact with infected blood and some body fluids - for example during childbirth. Hepatitis B is …
HealthLinkBC files
… water, needles or syringes Never donate your blood, semen, body organs or tissues Tell your health care provider if you … with your blood, (for example, when getting tattoos, body-piercing, electrolysis or acupuncture), that you are … diseases: HealthLinkBC File #97 Contact with blood or body fluids: Protecting against infection HealthLinkBC File …
HealthLinkBC files
… try to get the vaccine as soon as possible. This gives your body enough time, about 2 weeks, to build immunity before … condition that can result in weakness and paralysis of the body's muscles. It most commonly occurs after infections. In … you sick, sometimes severely, influenza also reduces the body's ability to fight other infections. Bacterial …
HealthLinkBC files
… after being infected. Symptoms may include fever, headache, body aches, fatigue and sometimes a rash on the body. These symptoms generally last about 1 week, but they … your clothing do not contact the bird, its blood, or other body fluids or feces Dispose of the bird according to local …
Health topics
… symptoms worse. Triggers upset the delicate balance in your body, causing fluid to build up in your lungs and your body. This makes it even harder for your heart to pump. Then … triggered these changes. Limit sodium Sodium causes your body to hold on to extra water. This may cause your heart …
Health topics
… for you to breathe and may help you live longer. When your body has more oxygen, your body systems can work better. You may be able to think more … During sleep, breathing naturally slows down because the body doesn't need as much oxygen. Sleep-related breathing …
Health topics
… on their own. Others may need medicines that decrease the body's immune system response. These include: … pills (diuretics) . These help reduce fluid buildup in the body and lower blood pressure. Blood thinners to prevent … Cut down on salt. This can reduce the amount of water your body retains. Follow your doctor's advice for the amounts of …
Health topics
… than others. For example, when you go through a full-body airport scanner, you're exposed to very small amounts … radiation. For example: You would need to go through a full-body airport scanner about 1,000 times to get the same … You may have concerns about getting radiation from a full-body airport scanner. If so, ask if you can get a pat-down …
Health topics
… the muscles of your trunk stronger to keep your spine and body stable. This helps you stay balanced when you move. It … improve your posture and strength and may help protect your body from injury. How can you increase your core strength … of a neutral spine, you actually put more stress on your body. The instructions below are for finding a neutral spine …
Health topics
… sneezing. Red eyes. Sore throat and cough. Headaches and body aches. You will probably feel a cold come on over the … mouth are the most likely places for germs to enter your body. Eat well, and get plenty of sleep and exercise. This keeps your body strong so it can fight URIs. Don't smoke. Smoking makes …