3693 results found
Health topics
… Drink plenty of water and other fluids. This can help your body get rid of uric acid. How to eat to help control your … Drink plenty of water and other fluids. This can help your body get rid of uric acid. Avoid eating habits that can … Drink plenty of water and other fluids. This can help your body get rid of uric acid. How to eat to help control your …
Health topics
… children by age 4: View themselves as whole people, with a body, mind, and feelings. Are aware that they can be hurt … children by age 4: View themselves as whole people, with a body, mind, and feelings. Are aware that they can be hurt …
Health topics
… be used during childbirth to partly or fully numb the lower body. The amount of medicine you get will affect how numb … Medicine is injected into the catheter to numb your body below the insertion site. This will help relieve pain … be used during childbirth to partly or fully numb the lower body. The amount of medicine you get will affect how numb …
Medical tests
… D test measures the amount of vitamin D in the blood. Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium . Calcium keeps your … a chance of getting a rare disease called rickets . Your body uses sunshine to make its own vitamin D. Vitamin D is … D test measures the amount of vitamin D in the blood. Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium . Calcium keeps your …
Health topics
… you - tummy to tummy. A pillow can help keep your baby's body close to your breast. This position is useful when you … with your thumb and index finger behind his ears and his body with your arm. Your breast is supported with your other …
… can occur due to many conditions, including when your body cannot get enough iron from food (because of poor … kidney disease. Iron is an important mineral that your body needs to make enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. How To Use Read the Patient Information Leaflet if …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Why do I need vitamin D? Vitamin D helps your body absorb and use calcium for strong bones and teeth. … D? You can get vitamin D from food and supplements. Your body can also make vitamin D when you are outside and the … your bare skin. Many factors affect how much vitamin D your body can make such as: Age: less is made as you get older …
Health topics
… Your blood and lymphatic system work together to keep your body healthy. Maybe you've had enlarged lymph nodes, … Stem Cell Transplant Basic Metabolic Panel Blood and Body Fluid Precautions Blood Clots in the Leg Veins Blood … Leukemia Lipid Panel Lupus and Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Lymphedema Malaria Mononucleosis (Mono) …
Health topics
… the breakdown of the nerve cells that control involuntary body functions (the autonomic nervous system ). Some … related to changes to the nerves that control automatic body processes (like body heat). Sleep problems , including: Excessive daytime …
HealthLinkBC files
… bowel movements are soft and pass easily through your body. Do I need to have a bowel movement every day? No, not … However, the long-term use of some laxatives can make your body depend on them. Talk to your health care provider about … also called fibre supplements, are the gentlest on your body. They ease constipation by absorbing more fluid in the …