879 results found
… probenecid ribavirin stavudine drugs that may suppress bone marrow function (such as ganciclovir, dapsone, trimethoprim, … probenecid ribavirin stavudine drugs that may suppress bone marrow function (such as ganciclovir, dapsone, …
… sleep apnea) blood/immune system problems (such as bone marrow depression) high pressure in the eye (glaucoma) heart … sleep apnea) blood/immune system problems (such as bone marrow depression) high pressure in the eye (glaucoma) …
… types of organ transplants (such as cornea, pancreas) or bone marrow transplant. It may also be used for other conditions … types of organ transplants (such as cornea, pancreas) or bone marrow transplant. It may also be used for other …
Health topics
… ligament or tendon to break off (avulse) a small piece of a bone that's attached to it. The ligament or tendon also may … after the injury heals. You may need surgery if the bone fragment is large and widely separated from the rest of the bone. Surgery may also be done if a tendon or ligament is …
Health topics
… If it comes back in another part of the body—often the bones—it is still called prostate cancer because it started … urinate. Symptoms of metastatic prostate cancer may include bone pain, weight loss, or swelling in your legs and feet. … tests to see if the cancer has come back or spread include bone scans , PET-CT scans , and MRI scans . How is advanced …
Health topics
… treatment with steroid medicine will put you at risk for bone thinning (osteoporosis). This is because steroid … takes in calcium, which is important in building strong bones. Your doctor may recommend a bone density test to see if you need medicine to prevent …
Health topics
… relieve the pressure, your doctor may remove: Bony growths (bone spurs or osteophytes) and fibrous tissue that are … that pushes into the spinal canal. In some cases, after bone and disc material are removed, the affected bone ( vertebrae ) parts may be joined together ( spinal …
Health topics
… ("poor bite"). It restructures the jaw through cutting the bone and repositioning the bone segments. Adults who have jaw-related malocclusion are … general anesthesia. Recovery takes several weeks. While the bone slowly heals, the jaw is held in place with wires or …
… unusual weakness). Tenofovir may increase the risk of bone loss. Discuss the risks and benefits of treatment with … D to reduce this side effect. If you are at risk for bone loss, your doctor may monitor your bone mineral density. Tell your doctor right away if any of …
… Uses This medication is used to treat a certain type of bone disease (Paget's disease) that causes abnormal and weak bones. Zoledronic acid is also used to treat bone loss (osteoporosis) in men and in women after menopause …