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879 results found
Health topics
… After about 18 weeks, the distance between the pubic bone and the fundus (in centimetres) is likely to be about … After about 18 weeks, the distance between the pubic bone and the fundus (in centimetres) is likely to be about …
Health topics
… you've had in the past, such as pneumonia or broken bones, or problems with alcohol or drugs. A history of … you've had in the past, such as pneumonia or broken bones, or problems with alcohol or drugs. A history of …
Health topics
… (SCI)? The spinal cord is surrounded by protective rings of bone called vertebrae. The vertebrae and spinal nerves are … (SCI)? The spinal cord is surrounded by protective rings of bone called vertebrae. The vertebrae and spinal nerves are …
Health topics
… . In rare cases, valley fever can spread to the skin, bones, lymph nodes , and organs. It can lead to meningitis, … . In rare cases, valley fever can spread to the skin, bones, lymph nodes , and organs. It can lead to meningitis, …
Health topics
… Musculoskeletal pain Musculoskeletal pain occurs in the bones, joints, and muscles. The pain is usually made worse … Musculoskeletal pain Musculoskeletal pain occurs in the bones, joints, and muscles. The pain is usually made worse …
… is also used to treat anemia in patients with certain blood/bone marrow disorders (myelodysplastic syndromes-MDS). … is also used to treat anemia in patients with certain blood/bone marrow disorders (myelodysplastic syndromes-MDS). …
… hair growth increased thirst/urination unusual tiredness bone/joint pain easily broken bones A small number of people who take anticonvulsants for … D supplements may be necessary to prevent weakening of the bones (osteomalacia). Discuss this with your doctor. During …
… hair growth increased thirst/urination unusual tiredness bone/joint pain easily broken bones A small number of people who take anticonvulsants for … D supplements may be necessary to prevent weakening of the bones (osteomalacia). Discuss this with your doctor. During …
… as sore throat that doesn't go away, fever, skin sores) bone/joint/muscle pain puffy face swelling of the hands/feet … especially of: bleeding problems blood clots brittle bones (osteoporosis) diabetes eye problems (such as … the side effects of this drug, especially water retention, bone loss/pain, stomach/intestinal bleeding, and mental/mood …
HealthLinkBC files
… and soy products like tofu Calcium Calcium helps form bones and teeth. It’s also important for muscle function. … like calcium and phosphorus that are needed for strong bones and teeth. Only a few foods contain vitamin D …