879 results found
Health topics
… about hormone and calcium supplements to protect against bone loss if you are missing periods. If you think you might … about hormone and calcium supplements to protect against bone loss if you are missing periods. If you think you might …
Health topics
… such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Possible bone loss. To limit side effects, it can only be used for … such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Possible bone loss. To limit side effects, it can only be used for … such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Possible bone loss. To limit side effects, it can only be used for …
Health topics
… intermittent claudication ; open sores; or serious skin, bone, and tissue problems (gangrene). Bypass surgery … intermittent claudication ; open sores; or serious skin, bone, and tissue problems (gangrene). Bypass surgery …
Health topics
… disease , or an immune system problem, or if you think a bone is broken. If you have an ingrown toenail, try soaking … disease , or an immune system problem, or if you think a bone is broken. If you have an ingrown toenail, try soaking …
Health topics
… the nose by removing or rearranging its cartilage and bones. Rhinoplasty is done to change the appearance of your … the nose by removing or rearranging its cartilage and bones. Rhinoplasty is done to change the appearance of your …
Health topics
… A cough that continues and is not related to a cold Bone pain Examinations and Tests To diagnose thyroid cancer, … A cough that continues and is not related to a cold Bone pain Examinations and Tests To diagnose thyroid cancer, …
Health topics
… muscle, ligaments , tendons , nerves, blood vessels, and bones. These burns always require medical treatment. How … fatty tissue to injure muscle, nerves, blood vessels, and bones. A third-degree burn goes through all the skin layers … muscle, ligaments , tendons , nerves, blood vessels, and bones. These burns always require medical treatment. How …
Health topics
… doctor recommend an MRI? An MRI can find tumours, damage to bones and nerves, and narrowing of the spinal canal that … doctor recommend an MRI? An MRI can find tumours, damage to bones and nerves, and narrowing of the spinal canal that … doctor recommend an MRI? An MRI can find tumours, damage to bones and nerves, and narrowing of the spinal canal that …
Health topics
… age with Down syndrome shows symptoms of dislocated neck bones. This condition often occurs after an injury. Symptoms … age with Down syndrome shows symptoms of dislocated neck bones. This condition often occurs after an injury. Symptoms …
Health topics
… feeling of burning or pain just behind the breastbone. Another common symptom is a sour taste in the mouth. … a long time can increase your risk for infections or broken bones. Have surgery Have surgery You stay in the hospital … feeling of burning or pain just behind the breastbone. Another common symptom is a sour taste in the mouth. …