821 results found
Health topics
… which help protect your joints. Less body fat. Stronger bones. Better posture and balance. Lower blood sugar. Less … Experts say it's best to do exercises to strengthen bones and muscles at least 2 times each week. footnote 1 For … which help protect your joints. Less body fat. Stronger bones. Better posture and balance. Lower blood sugar. Less …
Health topics
… cause swelling. Overuse may cause: A hairline crack in a bone ( stress fracture ). Bursitis . Osteitis pubis. This is … when force causes a tendon or ligament to tear away from a bone and break off a piece of bone. It most often affects teen athletes who are involved …
Health topics
… bigger by removing: Infected, swollen, or damaged tissue. Bone, to make a wider opening to let mucus drain from the … called an endoscope in the nose to remove small amounts of bone or tissue that block the sinus openings. The doctor … problems—such as pus in a sinus, infection of the facial bones, or a brain abscess . The doctor makes an opening into …
… of urine) muscle spasms/weakness This medication decreases bone marrow function, an effect that may lead to a low … as contact sports. This medication may affect a child's bone growth and development. Consult the doctor or … medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as bone growth and development in children, complete blood …
… may also be used by women after menopause to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). However, there are other … alendronate) that are also effective in preventing bone loss and may be safer. These medications should be … regularly. Lifestyle changes that help promote healthy bones include increasing weight-bearing exercise, stopping …
… may also be used by women after menopause to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). However, there are other … alendronate) that are also effective in preventing bone loss and may be safer. These medications should be … regularly. Lifestyle changes that help promote healthy bones include increasing weight-bearing exercise, stopping …
… new/worsening vision problems (such as blurred vision) bone fracture reddish-colored urine urgent need to urinate … and herbal products). Pioglitazone may increase the risk of bone fracture in women (usually in the upper arm, hand, or … your doctor. Lifestyle changes that help promote healthy bones include increasing weight-bearing exercise, eating …
Health topics
… is usually done before gum disease has damaged the bone supporting your teeth. How Well It Works If you … is usually done before gum disease has damaged the bone supporting your teeth. How Well It Works If you …
Health topics
… normal cartilage . Cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones in a joint. These supplements come in tablet, capsule, … normal cartilage . Cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones in a joint. These supplements come in tablet, capsule, …
Health topics
… a unit (logroll). Stop any bleeding, and splint any broken bones. Keep the person warm but not hot. Put a blanket under … a unit (logroll). Stop any bleeding, and splint any broken bones. Keep the person warm but not hot. Put a blanket under …